Cost Inflation Index (CII): Meaning, Calculation & Importance

What is Cost Inflation Index?

The Cost Inflation Index (CII) serves as a crucial parameter within financial and taxation frameworks. It holds significance in various financial calculations and assessments, particularly those related to taxation and investment. Understanding its value and application is essential for accurate financial planning, tax calculations, and evaluating investment returns.

Understanding Cost Inflation Index

The Cost Inflation Index table is a financial metric used in tax calculations, particularly for capital gains taxation. It is a numerical index that helps adjust the purchase price of an asset to reflect the effects of inflation over time.

Essentially, the CII allows taxpayers to adjust the purchase price of an asset by the inflation index factor when calculating capital gains. This adjustment is crucial because it accounts for the impact of inflation on the asset’s value. By factoring in inflation, the indexed cost is a more accurate representation of the actual value of the asset at the time of its sale.

The index value is typically provided by the government or tax authorities and is updated periodically to reflect changes in inflation rates. It is used to calculate the indexed cost of acquisition and improves the accuracy of determining capital gains tax liability.

The formula for calculating indexed cost is straightforward:

Indexed Cost = (Actual Cost of Asset) x [(CII of the Year of Sale) / (CII of the Year of Purchase)].

When an individual sells an asset at an appreciated value the indexed cost helps in determining the actual capital gain by considering the inflation-adjusted purchase price. This adjusted gain is then taxed at the applicable capital gains tax rate.

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The Cost Inflation Index table plays a crucial role in reducing the tax burden on capital gains by accounting for inflationary effects, preventing individuals from paying taxes on gains that are merely due to inflation rather than actual appreciation in the asset’s value.

Cost Inflation Index Table from FY 2001-02 to FY 2023-24

Here is the (CII) data presented in a table:

Financial Year Cost Inflation Index (CII)















































This table lists the Financial Year alongside its corresponding (CII) values, which are used in various tax calculations, particularly in the context of capital gains taxation, to adjust the purchase price of an asset for inflation.

What is the Purpose of CII?

The CII serves as a crucial tool in taxation systems, specifically for assessing capital gains tax. Its primary purpose is to adjust the purchase price of assets over time to account for the effects of inflation. By applying the CII to the acquisition cost of an asset, taxpayers can accurately compute the indexed cost, which reflects the asset’s adjusted value based on inflationary changes.

This adjustment proves crucial when determining capital gains on the sale of assets. It helps in accurately calculating the actual gains earned from the asset, factoring in the impact of inflation. Consequently, by using the CII, individuals can reduce their tax liability on capital gains by ensuring that they are only taxed on the real gains achieved from the asset’s appreciation, excluding any value appreciation due to inflation. Ultimately, the CII ensures fairer taxation by considering the real value of gains earned on assets in the context of inflationary changes.

What Does a Base Year in CII Mean?

In the context of the Cost Inflation Index, a base year serves as a reference point for calculating and indexing the values of subsequent years. The base year is assigned an index value of 100. All other years’ CII values are calculated relative to this base year. For instance, if an asset was acquired in the base year, its cost remains the same as the indexed cost since the index value is 100.

Subsequent years’ CII values are derived concerning the base year’s index value, reflecting changes in inflation. The base year essentially sets a benchmark against which the effects of inflation on the cost of assets in subsequent years are measured. This indexing allows for the adjustment of asset values over time, ensuring that tax calculations, particularly in capital gains taxation, consider the impact of inflation accurately. The base year serves as a vital reference point for determining the indexed cost of assets and calculating tax implications accordingly.

Features of the Cost Inflation Index

The CII serves a crucial tool in taxation systems, particularly for calculating capital gains tax. Some of the CII features can be outlined as below:

  1. Indexation Factor

    The CII provides an indexation factor that is used to adjust the purchase price of assets for inflation, enabling taxpayers to calculate the indexed cost of acquisition accurately.

  2. Historical Reference

    It offers a historical reference by assigning a base year with an index value of 100. Subsequent years’ index values are calculated in relation to this base year, reflecting changes in inflation over time.

  3. Taxation Accuracy

    By adjusting asset values for inflation using the CII, taxpayers can calculate capital gains more accurately, ensuring that they pay taxes only on the actual gains realised from the appreciation of assets, excluding inflationary effects.

  4. Regulatory Use

    The CII is an officially recognised metric used by tax authorities to determine the indexed cost of assets, providing a standardised method for adjusting asset values in tax calculations and ensuring fairness and accuracy in tax assessments.

Calculation of Cost Inflation Index with Example

The calculation of CII is to adjust the purchase price of an asset for inflation over time. The indexed cost is determined using the formula:

Indexed Cost = (Actual Cost of Asset) x [(CII of the Year of Sale) / (CII of the Year of Purchase)]

For example, let’s consider an asset purchased in the financial year 2010-11 for Rs. 500,000 and sold in the financial year 2021-22. The CII for the year of purchase (2010-11) is 167, and for the year of sale (2021-22) is 317.

Using the formula: Indexed Cost = Rs. 500,000 x 317 / 167 = Rs. 946,107.78 (approximately)

Here’s the breakdown of the calculation:

  1. Actual Cost of Asset: Rs. 500,000

  2. CII of the Year of Sale (2021-22): 317

  3. CII of the Year of Purchase (2010-11): 167

Therefore, the indexed cost of the asset, adjusted for inflation from the year of purchase (2010-11) to the year of sale (2021-22), is approximately Rs. 946,107.78.

Things to Note about Cost Inflation Index India

The Cost Inflation Index in India serves as a fundamental tool for adjusting the purchase price of assets for inflation in tax calculations, particularly for capital gains tax purposes. Here are key points to note:

1. Historical Data

The CII maintains historical records dating back to the base year (currently 2001-02), with subsequent years’ index values reflecting changes in inflation compared to the base year.

2. Updated Annually

The CII values are updated annually by the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) based on changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). These updated values are applicable for the assessment year, aiding in accurate tax calculations.

3. Tax Implications

It is used to calculate indexed gains on assets sold, allowing taxpayers to adjust the purchase price for inflation, reducing the tax burden on capital gains.

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4. Regulatory Importance

The CII is an officially recognised metric by the Income Tax Department, providing a standardised method for adjusting asset values in tax assessments, and ensuring accuracy in tax calculations related to capital gains.


The Cost Inflation Index serves as a critical tool in tax calculations, specifically for capital gains tax, allowing adjustments for inflation. Its historical records, annual updates, and regulatory importance make it vital for accurate tax assessments and fair taxation.