IPO Cycle - Stages, Players, & Market Impact | Religare Broking

What is an IPO Cycle? – Stages & Implications

An initial public offering (IPO) is a significant milestone for any company, marking its transition from a privately held entity to a publicly traded one. However, the journey is not a one-time event but a continuous cycle that significantly impacts the company, its stakeholders, and the overall market. This post will explore the IPO cycle of a company, its stages, key players, and its impact on various entities.

What is an IPO Cycle?

An IPO cycle refers to the process a company undergoes when transitioning from being privately held to becoming a publicly traded entity. It is a significant milestone for companies seeking to raise capital and expand their operations.

It typically begins with a company management’s decision to go public. This decision is often driven by the need for additional funding to support growth initiatives, repay debt, or provide liquidity to existing shareholders. The company then engages in a series of activities, such as selecting investment banks to underwrite the offering, conducting due diligence, and preparing the necessary documents, including a prospectus outlining key information about the company and its business operations.

Once the regulatory requirements are met, the company files for an initial public offering with the relevant securities regulatory body. During the IPO, shares of the company are offered to the public for the first time, allowing individuals and institutional investors to purchase ownership stakes.

This offering is typically followed by a period known as the “lock-up” period, during which certain shareholders, such as company executives, are restricted from selling their shares. The cycle concludes with the company’s shares being listed on a stock exchange, where different investors can freely trade them.

Different Stages of the IPO Cycle for a Company

During the different stages of the IPO cycle, several significant steps are involved in completing the transition from a private company to a publicly traded one.

Firstly, deciding to go public is a crucial step, as it requires careful consideration of financial goals, market conditions, and the company’s readiness for increased scrutiny and compliance requirements. Once the decision is made, choosing the right investment bank is essential, as they will assist in underwriting the offering, advising on valuation, and connecting with potential investors.

Due diligence involves a comprehensive review of the company’s financials, operations, and legal and regulatory compliance. This step ensures transparency and builds investor confidence. Setting a price range for the IPO is another critical stage, as it requires balancing attracting investors and maximising the company’s valuation. All these aspects are covered by the underwriters.

The roadshow follows, where company executives and underwriters present the investment opportunity to potential investors, building interest and generating demand. Finally, the company goes public by listing its shares on a stock exchange, allowing investors to buy and sell them.

Each IPO cycle stage brings challenges like market volatility, regulatory compliance, and managing investor expectations. However, navigating through these stages can provide access to significant capital, enhance visibility, and facilitate future growth opportunities.

Advantages of an IPO for a Company

  • Access to Capital: Going through the IPO cycle allows companies to raise significant capital by selling shares to public investors. This infusion of funds can be used for various purposes, such as expanding operations, investing in research and development, paying off debts, or acquiring other businesses.
  • Increased Public Awareness: The IPO process brings a company into the public eye, generating substantial media coverage and increasing brand recognition. This heightened visibility can attract new customers, partners, and potential investors, further boosting the company’s growth prospects.
  • Liquidity for Early Investors: One of the advantages of the IPO cycle is that it provides an opportunity for early investors, such as founders, employees, and venture capital firms, to sell their shares and realise gains. This liquidity event enables them to unlock the value they have invested in the company, potentially reaping significant returns on their initial investment.
  • Enhanced Credibility and Trust: Going public establishes credibility and trust in the market. It demonstrates that the company has met stringent regulatory requirements, undergone thorough due diligence, and adhered to transparency and reporting standards. This can attract more institutional investors and stakeholders who value stability and accountability.
  • Currency for Acquisitions and Partnerships: Being publicly traded offers companies a valuable currency in the form of their shares. This can be employed for strategic acquisitions, mergers, or partnerships, enabling the company to expand its market share, diversify its offerings, and leverage synergies with other businesses.
  • Employee Incentives: Going public can also provide an avenue to incentivise and retain talented employees through stock-based compensation plans. By offering employee stock options or restricted stock units, companies can align employee interests with long-term shareholder value, fostering loyalty and motivation among their workforce.
  • Exit Strategy for Founders and Investors: It provides an attractive exit strategy for founders and early investors who want to monetise their investments and move on to new ventures. It offers a regulated and transparent process for selling their shares in the open market, allowing them to realise their gains and diversify their portfolios.
  • Continued Growth and Expansion Opportunities: Going public can open doors to additional growth and expansion opportunities. With access to public capital markets, companies can raise funds through secondary offerings, debt issuance, or convertible securities, enabling them to pursue organic growth initiatives or strategic acquisitions.
  • Valuation and Benchmarking: The IPO process provides a valuation benchmark for the company, as the market determines its worth based on investor demand and market conditions.

Disadvantages of an IPO for the Company

  • Costs: The IPO cycle can be expensive for companies. They must hire underwriters, lawyers, accountants, and other professionals to navigate the complex process. Additionally, there are regulatory fees, listing fees, and ongoing compliance costs. All these expenses can significantly impact the company’s financial resources.
  • Regulatory Scrutiny: Once a company goes public, it becomes subject to increased regulatory scrutiny from government agencies such as the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). Compliance with various reporting and disclosure requirements becomes mandatory, which can be time-consuming and costly. Any non-compliance can lead to fines or legal consequences, adding to the company’s regulatory burden.
  • Pressure of Quarterly Earnings: As a public company, there is an expectation to provide regular updates on financial performance and meet quarterly earnings targets. This can create immense pressure on management and stakeholders. Meeting market expectations consistently can be challenging, especially in competitive industries, and failing to do so may result in negative investor sentiment and a decline in stock price.
  • Potential Dilution of Ownership: Going public often involves issuing additional shares to raise capital. This can lead to a dilution of ownership for existing shareholders, including founders, employees, and early investors. Their stake in the company may decrease, affecting their control and potential future returns. Maintaining a balance between raising capital and preserving ownership interests is critical for companies contemplating an IPO.

IPO Cycle Broadly Concerns the Following Steps

The IPO cycle encompasses several crucial steps that a company must diligently undertake to transition into a publicly traded entity. Firstly, ensuring regulatory compliance is paramount, necessitating adherence to stringent rules and regulations set forth by government agencies like the SEC. This involves meticulous paperwork and legal procedures to uphold transparency and safeguard investor interests.

Subsequently, conducting thorough financial audits by independent auditors becomes imperative to meticulously review and validate the company’s financial statements. This serves as a pivotal step in preparing for the IPO, instilling confidence in potential investors. Market outreach follows suit, as the company actively engages with prospective investors to generate interest and secure funding.

Utilising avenues like roadshows, presentations, and meetings with institutional investors and analysts, the company endeavours to garner support and solidify its market position. Upon completing all necessary preparations, the company progresses towards listing on a stock exchange, thereby making its shares available for public trading. This multifaceted process demands meticulous planning, coordination, and strategic decision-making to ensure a seamless and successful IPO journey.


An IPO cycle is crucial for companies looking to raise capital and expand their business, but it also involves significant risks and challenges. So, it is important for companies and investors to thoroughly understand the IPO cycle and its implications before making any decisions.

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