IPO Subscription - Meaning, Process, Importance | Religare Broking

What is an IPO Subscription & Why is it Important?

Understanding the IPO subscription and its nuances is vital for investors when making informed decisions in the stock market. This post aims to demystify the IPO subscription’s meaning, process, and importance for an Indian Investor.

What is an IPO Subscription?

An IPO subscription refers to the process through which investors can apply for shares in a company that is going public for the first time. When a company decides to go public and list its shares on a stock exchange, it typically issues new shares to raise capital. The subscription period is the window of time during which investors can place their orders for these newly issued shares.

During this period, investors submit their applications to buy shares at the offering price established by the company and its underwriters. The offering price is often determined through a combination of factors, including market demand, the company’s financial performance, and consultations with institutional investors.

Investors interested in participating in an IPO subscription typically need to go through a brokerage firm or financial institution that is participating in the Initial Public Offerings. The process may involve filling out application forms, specifying the number of shares desired, and providing funds to cover the purchase if the application is successful.

Once the IPO subscription period ends, the company and its underwriters allocate the shares based on various criteria, including demand from investors and any allocation agreements with institutional investors. Investors whose applications are successful receive their allotted shares, while those whose applications are oversubscribed may receive a portion of their requested shares or none.

How Does an IPO Subscription Work?

During an IPO, a company offers its shares to the public for the first time. Investors show their interest by subscribing to the number of lots they wish. This indicates the demand for the company’s shares and can influence the listing price of the IPO.

What is the IPO Process?

Key Highlights of the IPO Process include:

  • Drafting the Draft Red Herring Prospectus (DRHP): The initial step in the IPO process involves the creation of a Draft Red Herring Prospectus (DRHP). This document offers detailed insights into the company’s finances, operations, and growth plans. It is shared with prospective investors to attract interest in the upcoming IPO.

  • Appointment of Underwriters: The company then selects underwriters or investment banks to manage various tasks within the IPO process, such as setting the offer price, handling the distribution of shares, and promoting the IPO to prospective investors.

  • Filing with SEBI: Subsequently, the finalized DRHP and the choice of underwriters lead to the filing of the IPO documents with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).

  • Roadshow: To market the IPO, a roadshow is conducted, during which company executives and underwriters engage with institutional investors like hedge funds and pension funds, presenting the merits of investing in the company’s shares.

  • Pricing: The final offer price for the IPO is set based on investor responses and prevailing market conditions.

  • Allotment of Shares: Following the close of the IPO subscription period, underwriters distribute shares to investors, depending on the level of demand and the established offer price.

  • Listing on Stock Exchange: The company’s shares are listed on a stock exchange, allowing public trading. This step concludes the IPO process.

What is the IPO Subscription Status?

The IPO subscription status tells us how many times the offered shares were subscribed. This number is a determining factor in gauging the market’s interest in the IPO and could predict the stock’s performance post-listing.

How to Check IPO Subscription Status?

You can check the IPO subscription status through:

  1. The official website of the stock exchange (BSE/NSE in India): The stock exchange website provides details on the IPO subscription status, including the oversubscription ratio, number of bids received, and overall demand for the shares.

  2. The registrar’s website: Registrars manage share allotment and maintain records. They also provide updates on the IPO subscription status through their websites.

  3. Financial news portals: Several financial news portals provide regular updates on the IPO subscription status. They also analyze and interpret the data to give insights into investor interest in the IPO.

Recommended Read: How to Check IPO Allotment Status

Why Should You Track the Status of Your IPO Subscription?

Tracking the IPO subscription status helps understand market trends and assess whether or not your IPO investment aligns with your financial goals. It’s an indication of both market sentiment and the potential future performance of the stock.


For investors considering an IPO investment, grasping the meaning of IPO subscription and its implications is a step towards making more strategic investment choices.

Monitoring the IPO subscription status further aids in navigating the IPO waters more effectively. Understanding these concepts can significantly enhance your investing approach, whether you’re a seasoned investor or new to the stock market.

Don’t forget that having a firm grasp on IPO subscriptions starts with the decision to Open a Demat Account to participate actively in the market.
