What is Share Pledge & How it Works | Religare Broking

Share Pledge: Meaning, Charges, Pros & Cons

In financial markets, share pledging offers liquidity avenues for promoters. It also introduces a spectrum of risks that can influence investor decisions and market dynamics.

This post aims to unravel the complexities of share pledging, highlighting its potential pitfalls and providing insights to equip investors with the knowledge they need to navigate the world of investment confidently.

What is a share pledge?

Share pledge refers to the practice where promoters, particularly promoters or company insiders, use their shares as collateral to secure loans from financial institutions. This mechanism is typically adopted when promoters require liquidity but don’t wish to sell their shares. By pledging shares, they can raise funds without diluting their equity holding in the company.

The primary reason for such an action is the inherent belief that the company’s stock will perform well in the foreseeable future. If the promoters were sceptical about the company’s performance, they would likely sell the shares rather than pledge them. However, it’s crucial to note that pledging shares introduces risk. If the stock price declines significantly, the lender may ask the borrower to present additional collateral. Failure to do so might result in the lender selling the pledged shares in the open market.

In the Indian finance sector, share pledge has become a common practice. Regulatory bodies like the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) have set guidelines and disclosure requirements for companies when their promoters pledge shares.

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How does pledging of shares work?

When promoters decide to pledge their shares, the process involves a series of steps, ensuring both the lender and borrower are is protected.

Initiation of the Pledge

The process begins when the promoters approach a lending institution, expressing an intent to pledge their shares as collateral for a loan. The lender then evaluates the shares’ quality, liquidity, and volatility before deciding the loan amount.

Agreement Creation

Both parties enter into a formal pledge agreement upon approval. This document outlines the terms and conditions of the pledge, including the loan amount, interest rate, tenure, and circumstances under which the lender can sell the shares.

Margin and Haircut

Lenders usually don’t provide loans equivalent to the full value of the pledged shares. They maintain a margin, known as a “haircut”, which is a percentage reduction from the market value of the shares. This ensures the lender has a buffer in case the stock price drops.

Release of Pledge

Once the loan is repaid, the promoter can request the lender to release the pledge, allowing them to regain full control over their shares.

Potential Sale

If the borrower defaults or the share price falls below a threshold, the lender can sell the share pledge in the open market to recover their dues.

By adhering to this structured approach, pledging shares remains a viable option for the promoters seeking liquidity without selling their holdings.

What is the charge for pledging?

The charge for pledging shares typically encompasses a variety of fees and interests, which both the borrower and lender agree upon before formalising the pledge.

First and foremost, the primary cost associated with pledging is the interest on the loan amount. This interest rate, often benchmarked against prevailing market rates, varies depending on the lender, the quality of the shares, and the overall risk assessment of the loan.

Additionally, the borrower pays an upfront fee or processing charge when initiating the pledge. This fee compensates the lender for the administrative and due diligence efforts undertaken during the evaluation process. Furthermore, depository participants may charge a nominal fee for marking the pledge against the shares. This depository fee is a fixed amount determined by the depository and the participant’s tariff structure.

In certain scenarios, lenders might also levy penalty charges if the borrower fails to maintain the required margin due to a fall in the share price, necessitating additional collateral. While pledging shares offers a way to secure funds, promoters must be mindful of the associated charges, ensuring they make an informed decision.

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Why do promoters pledge shares?

Promoters, as significant stakeholders in a company, often have substantial holdings in the firm’s shares. While these shares represent a significant portion of their wealth, they might not offer immediate liquidity.

Pledging shares emerge as a solution in various scenarios:

Capital Requirement

Promoters might need substantial funds for business expansion, diversification, or to support other ventures. Rather than diluting their stake by selling shares, they can pledge to raise the necessary capital.

Temporary Financial Crunch

Promoters sometimes face temporary liquidity issues due to unforeseen business challenges or market downturns. Pledging shares provides an immediate source of funds, helping them navigate through such periods.

Maintaining Control

By pledging shares instead of selling them, promoters retain their ownership percentage in the company. This ensures they have a decisive say in the company’s management and strategic decisions.

Favourable Market Outlook

If promoters are confident about the company’s future performance and potential stock appreciation, they might choose to pledge shares, anticipating that they can repay the loan comfortably in the future.

While share pledging offers multiple benefits to promoters, it’s a tool that must be used judiciously, considering the associated risks and market dynamics.

What is a Haircut?

In the financial context, particularly concerning collateralised lending like share pledging, a “haircut” refers to the difference between the market value of the asset (in this case, shares) and the loan amount the lender is willing to disburse against it.

Expressed as a percentage, the haircut represents a safety margin that lenders maintain to shield themselves against potential declines in the value of the collateral.

Several factors influence the magnitude of the haircut:

Volatility of the Shares

Shares of companies with high price volatility generally attract a higher haircut due to the increased risk of price fluctuations.


Shares that are thinly traded or have low liquidity might have a higher haircut as they can be challenging to sell quickly in the market.

Overall Market Conditions

During economic uncertainty or market downturns, lenders might increase haircuts to mitigate increased risks.

A haircut is an essential risk management tool for lenders, ensuring they remain protected against potential market adversities.

Advantages of Pledging Shares

Pledging shares as collateral offers a range of benefits to promoters:

1. Enhanced Liquidity

For major promoters, particularly promoters, the act of pledging shares is akin to unlocking the latent liquidity in their holdings. It allows them to access immediate funds without parting with their valuable assets.

2. Maintained Ownership

Pledging doesn’t equate to parting with ownership. Even as shares are collateral, promoters continue to hold their stake, preserving their influential role in shaping the company’s trajectory.

3. Customisable Terms:

One of the merits of pledging shares is the adaptability of the terms. The lender and borrower can negotiate factors such as the loan’s duration, interest rates, and principal amount, tailoring the agreement to their specific needs and risk profiles.

4. Opportunity for Capital Growth

Pledging becomes even more attractive if a promoter has a bullish outlook on their company’s prospects. They stand to reap the benefits of any appreciation in the share’s value post the loan’s settlement and the pledge’s subsequent release.

5. Favourable Tax Position

The act of pledging steers clear of any capital gains tax implications, given that there’s no change in ownership as would be the case if shares were sold.

Disadvantages of Pledging Shares

While the advantages of pledging shares are evident, it’s essential to understand its potential pitfalls

1. Potential Share Sale

A significant drop in the stock’s value poses the risk of the lender liquidating the pledged shares. This can erode the promoter’s stake, altering the company’s control dynamics.

2. Accumulating Interest

Every loan comes with its interest obligations. Borrowers must be prepared to shoulder this financial burden throughout the loan’s tenure.

3. Investor Sentiment

Elevated levels of pledged shares can spook investors. The fear of the company’s financial stability can drive stock prices down, further exacerbating the situation.

4. Constraints on Shares:

A pledged status inhibits promoters from freely selling or transferring their shares, curtailing their immediate financial manoeuvrability.

5. The Threat of Margin Calls:

Price volatility can result in lenders demanding additional collateral, inducing financial strain on the borrower.

Pledging Shares

The journey of pledging shares is systematic and involves several stages:

1. Seeking a Lender

The initial step involves the promoter identifying and approaching a suitable financial entity or lender.

2. Rigorous Assessment:

Lenders meticulously evaluate the shares in question, considering their liquidity and market reputation, before defining the loan’s terms.

3. Drafting the Pledge Contract:

This crucial document, signed by both parties, delineates the pledge terms, ensuring clarity and mutual agreement.

4. Instructing the Depository

To formalise the pledge, promoters must instruct their depository participant to earmark the specified shares, making them officially pledged.

5. Loan Disbursement:

With the shares pledged, lenders release the agreed-upon loan amount to the promoter.

6. Ongoing Oversight

To protect their interests, lenders consistently monitor the market valuation of the pledged shares, ensuring the loan remains securely backed.

The Risks of Share Pledging for Investors

Share pledging, while a common practice in financial markets, carries inherent risks that investors must be acutely aware of –

1. Vulnerability of Stock Price

When a significant portion of a company’s shares is pledged, it can be a red flag for potential investors. The apprehension stems from concerns about the company’s financial health and the possibility of lenders liquidating pledged shares.

Such sentiments can lead to decreased investor confidence, culminating in a decline in the company’s stock price.

2. Erosion of the Promoter’s Hold

In scenarios where promoters cannot meet margin requirements or default on their loans, lenders may find themselves able to sell the pledged shares.

Such actions can dilute the promoter’s stake, shifting the balance of power within the company and potentially impacting its strategic direction.

3. Questions on Governance and Credibility

A company where promoters have pledged a large portion of their shares can lead to concerns about its financial stability and integrity.

4. The Perils of Market Volatility

Pledged shares are particularly vulnerable in volatile market conditions. A sharp decline in stock prices can lead to margin calls, where promoters must furnish additional collateral. If they fail to do so, it might compel lenders to sell the pledged shares, further driving down the stock price and destabilising the company’s market position.

5. Lack of Complete Transparency

While strict regulations mandate the disclosure of pledged shares, the intricate details of the agreement between the promoter and the lender might not always be fully transparent. This opacity can leave retail investors with incomplete information, making it challenging for them to gauge the true extent of the risks involved.

Frequently Asked Questions

An individual can pledge up to a maximum of 100 different holdings.

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