Short Term Trading - Meaning, Strategies & Risks | Religare Broking

Short Term Trading

Stepping into the world of stock trading can feel complicated, especially if you don’t know where to start. However, like any venture into uncharted territory, it’s crucial to start with a solid understanding of the various trading options available and how different timeframes can impact your chosen strategy.

In this guide, we’ll look at short-term trading meaning, an approach characterised by trades lasting from mere seconds and minutes to a few days. This sets it apart from medium and long-term trading, which spans weeks, months, and even years. Understanding the details of this type of trading is a crucial first step in understanding the complexities of stock trading.

What is Short-Term Trading?

Short-term trading, also known as active trading, involves taking positions in financial markets that typically last from a few seconds to several days. This approach contrasts with traditional long-term investing, where positions are held for extended periods, often spanning weeks, months, or even years.

Its primary objective is to capitalise on rapid price movements and market fluctuations to generate profits. However, this strategy also carries significant risks, requiring traders to carefully identify lucrative trading opportunities while effectively managing their risk exposure.

Successful short-term trading relies heavily on the ability to spot favourable market conditions and execute trades swiftly and decisively. Additionally, prudent risk management practices are paramount to safeguarding capital and preserving profitability.

Types of Short Term Trading

Short-term trading encompasses various styles, each tailored to suit different preferences, time constraints, and risk appetites.

Scalp traders aim to capitalise on small price movements by entering and exiting trades rapidly, often within seconds to minutes. Their strategy, known as scalping trading, involves making frequent trades to generate numerous small profits or cut losses quickly. This approach requires close monitoring of the market and decisive execution. Scalping can be highly profitable but involves significant risk due to its fast-paced nature and minimal profit margins.

Day traders buy and sell financial instruments within the same trading day, aiming to profit from short-term price fluctuations. They make quick decisions to enter and exit trades, leveraging volatility to their advantage. Day trading requires attentiveness, discipline, and the ability to react swiftly to changing market conditions. With the rise of trading apps, day trading has become more accessible, attracting both seasoned traders and beginners.

Swing traders focus on capturing medium-term price movements within larger market trends. Unlike scalp and day traders, swing traders hold positions for several days or weeks, aiming to capitalise on short-term fluctuations within the broader price movement. They utilise technical analysis to identify potential entry and exit points, aiming to ride the momentum of the market. Swing trading offers more flexibility and requires less time commitment compared to scalp and day trading, making it suitable for those with busy schedules. However, it still demands careful analysis and risk management to succeed consistently.

Short-Term Trading Strategies

Short-term trading involves employing various strategies to profit from short-lived price movements in the market. Here are some of the most popular strategies:

  • Momentum Trading: Momentum traders capitalise on significant upward or downward price fluctuations in stocks through momentum trading. They aim to ride the trend of the market, maintaining positions for days or even weeks to maximise profits.

  • Scalping: Scalping involves making numerous trades throughout the day to profit from minor price changes. Traders keep positions open for very brief periods, often just minutes or seconds, relying on high trading volumes to generate profits.

  • Breakout Trading: Breakout traders look for significant price moves following a period of consolidation or trading within a range. They enter positions when prices break outside of the established range, aiming to capitalise on the momentum of the breakout trading.

  • Reversal Trading: Reversal traders identify potential market reversals by spotting overbought and oversold conditions. When a stock price shows signs of reversal, they take positions in anticipation of the price reversing in the opposite direction.

  • Range Trading: Range traders seek out price levels between the support and resistance of a security. They identify potential entry and exit points based on these price levels. The upper level, known as the resistance level, and the lower level, termed the support level, define the boundaries within which traders operate.

Tools to Design Short-Term Strategies

To design effective short-term trading strategies, traders utilise various tools and techniques tailored to identify market trends and capitalise on price movements. Here are some essential tools used in designing short-term strategies:

  • Moving Averages: Moving averages track the average price of a stock over a specified period, such as 15, 20, 30, 50, 100, or 200 days. By analysing moving averages, traders can identify trends, whether uptrends or downtrends, within a particular time frame. This helps in determining optimal entry and exit points for trades.

  • Cycles and Patterns: Markets tend to follow cyclical patterns, with certain times of the year exhibiting consistent trends. For example, historically, stock market gains have been higher during the November to April period compared to the May to October period. Traders leverage this knowledge to identify favourable times to enter long or short positions based on seasonal trends.

  • Market Trend Analysis: Monitoring market trends is crucial for short-term traders. By identifying whether the overall trend is positive or negative, traders can make informed decisions on whether to buy or short assets. When the market trend aligns with the trader’s strategy, the likelihood of successful trades increases, while trading against the trend carries higher risks.

Points to Remember While Managing Risks

Short-term trading poses significant risks, especially when contrasted with long-term investing. While the trading duration is brief, the inherent unpredictability of the market amplifies the risk factor for short-term traders. Rapid decision-making is a hallmark of short-term trading, requiring traders to make quick judgments without certainty of the outcome. This constant pressure to analyse and act swiftly can lead to increased stress levels among traders.

Moreover, the frequent buying and selling involved results in higher transaction volumes, translating to greater transaction costs. These costs can significantly eat into profits and potentially outweigh gains, making short-term trading a costlier endeavour compared to long-term investing.

Additionally, market volatility and fluctuations can expose short-term traders to sudden and substantial losses. Unlike long-term investors who can weather market downturns over time, short-term traders may find it challenging to recover from significant losses incurred in volatile market conditions.

For investors seeking to build wealth steadily over time, long-term investing offers a more stable and less risky approach. The extended investment horizon allows investors to ride out market fluctuations and benefit from the compounding effect, ultimately achieving their financial goals with greater certainty and security.

Important Points to Remember

Short-term trading requires a multifaceted approach that includes both technical proficiency and astute risk management. One critical aspect is the utilisation of efficient execution technology, ensuring swift order processing to capitalise on fleeting market movements. This necessitates platforms engineered for rapid trade entries and exits, minimising the risk of slippage where executed prices deviate from desired levels due to delayed execution.

Moreover, an in-depth understanding of market trends is indispensable for effective decision-making. Traders must discern prevailing trends and adapt their strategies accordingly, whether to capitalise on upward momentum or adopt defensive measures during downturns. Implementing risk controls, such as sell stops or buy stops, is crucial to safeguard against adverse market movements and preserve capital.

Additionally Read: What is Intraday Trading?

Additionally, diversification across various short-term trading strategies, including momentum trading, scalping, and breakout trading, enhances adaptability to diverse market conditions, minimising reliance on a single approach.


Short-term trading offers profit potential but comes with high risks due to market volatility and rapid decision-making. Understanding what short-term trading is, various trading styles, short-term trading tips, and risk management techniques are crucial for success. While it can be attractive, it requires discipline and careful consideration of one’s financial goals and risk tolerance.

Long-term investing still remains a stable alternative for building wealth steadily over time. Ultimately, choosing a suitable trading type depends on individual preferences and objectives in getting through the complexities of the financial markets.

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