Collar Options Strategy - Meaning, Strategies & Risks | Religare Broking

Collar Options Strategy: Essential Guide for Beginners in India

The collar option strategy is a popular and effective approach in options trading strategies, providing investors with a way to protect their investments while benefiting from potential gains. The strategy combines the purchase of a protective put option with the sale of a covered call option, creating a risk management strategy that limits potential losses and provides a level of downside protection. For beginners, it can be a valuable tool to navigate the complexities of options trading while minimising risk and maximising potential returns. Let’s dive into the concept and other factors associated with this strategy.

What is the Collar Options Strategy?

In options trading strategies, the collar option strategy stands out as a powerful tool for managing risk and protecting investments. It combines two key components: a protective put option and a covered call option.

A protective put is an option contract that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to sell a specific asset at a predetermined price within a specified period. By purchasing a protective put, investors can limit their downside risk and protect their investments against potential losses.

On the other hand, a covered call is an option strategy where investors sell call options on an underlying asset they already own. This strategy generates income through the premium received from selling the call options . By selling a covered call, investors can potentially offset some of the expenses of purchasing the protective put.

This strategy is a risk management tool in the Indian market, allowing investors to hedge their positions and limit potential losses. It offers a balanced approach by providing downside protection through the protective put while allowing for potential gains through the covered call.

This strategy is particularly useful in volatile market conditions, as it helps investors navigate fluctuations and uncertainties. It provides certainty and stability by setting a floor and a ceiling for potential gains and losses.


The collar option strategy has been widely utilised, with various real-world examples showcasing its effectiveness in different market conditions. Let’s consider a few scenarios:

Scenario 1: Profitable Scenario – If the stock price remains between Rs 95 and Rs 110 at expiration, the investor benefits from the premiums collected through the covered call option while still having downside protection from the put option. They can keep the premiums as profit.

Scenario 2: Non-profitable Scenario – In a scenario where the stock price drops below Rs 95, the investor’s downside risk is limited as the protective put option allows them to sell the shares at the predetermined strike price, reducing potential losses. However, the premiums earned from the covered call option might not be sufficient to cover the decline in the stock’s value.

These examples demonstrate how this strategy can provide downside protection while allowing investors to generate income through the covered call option. Its effectiveness depends on market movements and the specific variables involved, highlighting the importance of careful analysis and risk management when implementing financial derivatives strategies like the collar option strategy.

How Does it Work?

The collar option strategy is a popular financial derivatives strategy used in options trading to protect against downside risk while allowing for potential upside gains. This strategy combines two primary options positions: a protective put and a covered call.

The first step is to select the right stocks to set up the strategy. It is recommended to choose stable stocks with moderate price movements. These stocks provide a balance between potential gains and the need for protection.

Next, the investor must choose the expiration date and strike prices for the options. The protective put option is purchased with a strike price below the current stock price to provide downside protection. On the other hand, the covered call option is sold with a strike price above the current stock price to generate income from the premiums.

The dynamics between the protective put and the covered call in this strategy are essential. The protective put acts as insurance, allowing the investor to sell the stock at the strike price if it falls below it. This effectively limits the potential loss in case of a market downturn.

Meanwhile, the covered call option generates income through the premiums collected. By selling the call option, the investor must sell the stock at the strike price if it rises above it. While this limits potential gains, it also provides an opportunity to profit if the stock remains below the strike price.

Collar Options Strategy

When implementing the collar option strategy, investors must consider various strategic factors to maximise its effectiveness. One crucial consideration is determining the width of the collar, which refers to the difference between the strike prices of the protective put and the covered call options.

The width of the collar is influenced by an investor’s risk tolerance and market outlook. A wider collar, with a larger difference between the strike prices, provides more protection but can limit potential gains.

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Conversely, a narrower collar allows for greater potential upside but offers less downside protection. Investors must assess their risk appetite and market expectations to determine the optimal width that aligns with their investment goals.

Timing is also a critical factor when implementing the strategy. Market conditions, such as volatility levels and overall trends, can impact the strategy’s effectiveness. Investors should consider implementing the collar option strategy when anticipating increased market uncertainty or a potential downturn. Doing so can protect their portfolios from significant losses while benefiting from potential gains if the market performs well.

Further, investors should carefully monitor the performance of their collar option strategy and make adjustments as needed. This may involve rolling the options forward to extend the protection or taking profits from the covered call if the stock price approaches the strike price.

Advantages of the Collar Options Strategy

The advantages of the collar option strategy make it an attractive choice for conservative investors in the Indian market. One key advantage is downside protection, which combines a protective put option with a covered call option. This means the investor is protected from significant losses even if the underlying asset’s price decreases.

Cost efficiency is another advantage of the collar option strategy. Compared to other complex options trading strategies , the collar strategy involves lower transaction costs. This makes it a more viable option for investors with limited capital or those looking to minimise expenses.

Risks of the Collar Options Strategy

Like any financial derivative or options trading strategy, the collar option strategy carries its own risks and considerations.

One of the primary risks is limited profit potential. While this strategy provides downside protection, it also caps the potential gains for investors. This is because the investor sells a call option with a strike price that limits the profit potential if the asset’s price increases significantly.

Another risk is the complexity of the strategy itself. The strategy requires a deep understanding of option trading and various market scenarios. It involves simultaneously buying and selling options, which can be challenging for beginner investors. Without a thorough understanding of the strategy, there is a potential for mistakes or misinterpretation, leading to unintended consequences and losses.


Combining a protective put with a covered call allows investors to limit their downside risk while still participating in the potential upside of a stock. With careful consideration and proper risk management, the collar option strategy can be valuable to an investor’s toolkit.

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