Commodity Futures - Meaning, Objective & Benefits | Religare Broking

What is Commodity Futures & How to Trade?

Understanding what commodity futures are is essential for anyone interested in Commodity Trading. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of commodity futures, including how they work, how to trade them, their objectives, and the pros and cons involved.

What is Commodity Futures?

Commodity futures are standardised contracts to buy or sell a specific quantity of a commodity at a predetermined price on a future date. These contracts are traded on exchanges and cover various commodities, including agricultural products like wheat and corn, energy products like oil and natural gas, and metals like gold and silver.

The commodity futures meaning revolves around the agreement between two parties to transact at a specified price, providing a mechanism for price discovery and risk management. By using futures contracts, producers and consumers of commodities can hedge against price volatility, while speculators can profit from price movements.

How Do Commodity Futures Work?

Commodity futures work by establishing a binding agreement between a buyer and a seller to exchange a specific quantity of a commodity at a future date and a pre-agreed price. These contracts are standardised, specifying the quantity and quality of the commodity, the delivery location, and the delivery date.

The buyer of a futures contract agrees to purchase the commodity, while the seller agrees to deliver it.

Here’s a simplified process of how they work:

  1. Contract Creation: A futures contract is created on a commodity exchange.

  2. Initial Margin: To ensure commitment, both parties must deposit an initial margin, a percentage of the contract’s value.

  3. Daily Settlement: The contract is marked to market daily, meaning profits and losses are calculated based on the day’s price changes.

  4. Final Settlement: On the contract’s expiration date, the contract is settled either by physical delivery of the commodity or by cash settlement.

This mechanism allows market participants to hedge against price risks or speculate on price movements, providing liquidity and stability to the commodity market.

How to Trade Commodity Futures?

Trading commodity futures involves several steps, requiring a good understanding of the market and trading strategies. Here are the steps:

  1. Open a Demat Account:

    • To start trading, you need to open a demat account with a brokerage that offers commodity trading services. Ensure the broker is registered with relevant regulatory authorities.

  2. Research and Analysis:

    • Conduct thorough research on the commodities you are interested in trading. This involves analysing historical price trends, supply and demand factors, and other market conditions that could impact prices.

  3. Choose a Trading Platform:

    • Select a trading platform provided by your broker. Ensure it offers comprehensive tools for analysis, order execution, and real-time market data.

  4. Understand Contract Specifications:

    • Familiarise yourself with the specifications of the futures contracts you wish to trade. This includes understanding the contract size, tick size, margin requirements, and expiration dates.

  5. Develop a Trading Strategy:

    • Based on your research, develop a trading strategy that includes entry and exit points, risk management rules, and position sizing.

  6. Place Orders:

    • Use your trading platform to place buy or sell orders for futures contracts. Based on your strategy, you can place a market, limit, or stop orders.

  7. Monitor and Adjust:

    • Continuously monitor your positions and the market. Be prepared to adjust your strategy based on market developments and your profit and loss targets

  8. Close Positions:

    • Close your positions before the contract expires if you do not intend to take or make delivery of the commodity. This can be done by taking an offsetting position.

Trading commodity futures can be highly rewarding but also involves significant risks. Staying informed and disciplined in your trading approach is crucial to succeed in the commodity market.

Objective of Commodity Futures

The primary objective of commodity futures is to provide a mechanism for price discovery and risk management. Here are some key objectives:

  1. Hedging: Producers and consumers use commodity futures to hedge against adverse price movements. For example, farmers can lock in a price for their crop, ensuring they receive a guaranteed price regardless of market fluctuations.

  2. Speculation: Traders and investors use futures contracts to speculate on the price movements of commodities. By predicting price changes, speculators can profit from buying low and selling high or vice versa.

  3. Price Discovery: Futures markets facilitate the discovery of commodity prices based on supply and demand dynamics. The prices of futures contracts reflect the collective expectations of market participants, providing valuable information for producers, consumers, and policymakers.

  4. Liquidity Provision: Futures markets enhance liquidity in the commodity market by providing a platform for many buyers and sellers to transact. High liquidity ensures that participants can enter and exit positions easily without significant price disruptions.

  5. Standardisation: Futures contracts are standardised, ensuring that all participants adhere to the same terms regarding quantity, quality, and delivery. This standardisation reduces uncertainty and simplifies the trading process.

Additionally Read: Meaning of Demat Account

Advantages of Commodity Futures

Commodity futures offer several advantages, making them a valuable instrument for various market participants. These benefits include protection against price volatility, opportunities for leveraging investments, enhanced liquidity, diversification of investment portfolios, and insightful price discovery.

  1. Hedging Against Price Volatility: One primary benefit is their ability to protect producers and consumers from adverse price movements. For example, farmers can use futures contracts to lock in the price of their crops, ensuring they receive a guaranteed amount regardless of market fluctuations.

  2. High Leverage: It allows traders to control large positions with relatively small amounts of capital. This high leverage means that a small initial investment can be used to gain exposure to a large amount of the commodity. For instance, with an initial margin, traders can enter into contracts worth much more than their actual investment, potentially amplifying profits. However, this leverage also means that losses can be magnified, making it important for traders to manage their positions carefully.

  3. Liquidity: The commodity futures market is known for its high liquidity, which enables participants to enter and exit positions easily. High liquidity means that buyers and sellers are always available, which helps achieve fair prices and reduces the cost of trading. This characteristic is particularly beneficial for traders who need to adjust their positions in response to market movements quickly.

  4. Diversification: It can add diversity to an investment portfolio, reducing overall risk. Commodities often have low correlations with traditional asset classes like stocks and bonds, meaning they can perform differently under various economic conditions.

  5. Price Discovery: Futures markets play a crucial role in price discovery, which is the process of determining the market price of a commodity through the interaction of buyers and sellers. Future contract prices reflect market participants’ collective expectations regarding future supply and demand. This information is valuable not only for traders but also for producers, consumers, and policymakers.

Disadvantages of Commodity Futures

Despite their advantages, commodity futures also have certain drawbacks that participants must consider. These include high risk, complexity, market volatility, initial margin requirements, and regulatory risks.

  1. High Risk: The high leverage involved can lead to significant losses. While leverage can amplify profits, it can equally magnify losses if the market moves against the trader’s position. This high risk necessitates careful risk management strategies and can be a barrier for inexperienced traders.

  2. Complexity: Commodity futures markets can be complex, requiring a deep understanding of market dynamics, contract specifications, and trading strategies. New traders may find it challenging to navigate these complexities. They might incur losses due to a lack of knowledge or experience. Successful trading often requires continuous education and staying updated with market news and trends.

  3. Market Volatility: Commodity prices can be extremely volatile, leading to unpredictable outcomes. Supply chain disruptions, natural disasters, and geopolitical tensions can cause sudden and significant price swings. This volatility can create profit opportunities and increase the risk of substantial losses.


Commodity futures are a vital component of the commodity market, providing mechanisms for risk management and profit opportunities. Understanding what commodity futures are and how they work is essential for successful trading.

For those interested in exploring this dynamic market, it is crucial to open a demat account with a reputable brokerage to access and trade in commodity futures efficiently.

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