Weekly Options- Strategies, Risks, and Benefits | Religare Broking

What are Weekly Options?

One of the most common questions traders and investors ask is what are weekly options and how they differ from traditional options. This guide will explore their fundamentals, unique characteristics, and the potential benefits and risks of trading them.

Whether you are a seasoned investor or just starting to dip your toes into options, understanding weekly options can be a valuable addition to your financial knowledge.

Understand Weekly Options

Weekly options are short-term contracts that have gained significant popularity among Indian investors due to their unique characteristics and advantages. These options have a relatively short expiry period of just one week, allowing traders to capitalise on market movements within a shorter time frame. This makes them an attractive tool for those seeking agility and the ability to respond swiftly to changing market conditions.

With these options, investors can implement various trading strategies to exploit short-term price fluctuations and volatility. Traders can employ these contracts to speculate on the direction of an underlying asset, hedge their existing positions, or generate income through options writing.

The shorter expiry period allows traders to quickly assess the market and adjust their positions accordingly, enhancing their ability to manage risk and capture potential profits.

The emergence of weekly options in the Indian market has provided investors new flexibility and efficiency in their trading activities. By offering a shorter time frame than traditional monthly options, they allow for more precise timing and increased trading opportunities. This is particularly beneficial in a dynamic market environment where prices change rapidly.

So, the weekly options strategy has become a valuable tool for Indian investors, enabling them to react promptly to market movements and seize opportunities within a condensed time frame. However, it is crucial for traders to thoroughly understand the risks associated with these short-term contracts and employ appropriate risk management techniques to protect their investments.

How Do Weekly Options Work?

What is the operational framework of weekly options in derivatives trading? Let’s break down the process into steps, detailing the lifecycle from purchase to expiry and exploring important factors such as premium calculation, expiry dates, and settlement procedures.

Step 1: Understanding Premium Calculation

When purchasing a weekly options contract, traders must consider the premium – the price paid to acquire the option. The premium is influenced by factors such as the underlying asset’s price, volatility, time remaining until expiry, and interest rates. Traders should assess these variables to determine the fair value of the option and evaluate potential profitability.

Step 2: Selecting Expiry Dates

These options have a shorter lifespan than traditional options, with expiry occurring at the end of the trading week. Traders must select the specific expiry date that aligns with their trading strategy. Notably, they have a limited lifespan, requiring investors to react quickly to market movements.

Step 3: Monitoring the Trade

Once the option contract is purchased, traders should actively monitor the market and the underlying asset’s performance. Monitoring includes keeping track of price fluctuations, news, and other factors that may impact the option’s value. This information helps traders make informed decisions and determine the appropriate time to execute their trading strategy.

Step 4: Managing Positions

Throughout the lifecycle of such options contracts, traders can manage their positions. They can hold the option until expiry or close the position before expiration if they believe it will result in a profit or minimise potential losses. Traders must consider their risk tolerance, market conditions, and the impact of time decay on the option’s value.

Step 5: Expiry and Settlement

The contract expires at the end of the trading week. Upon expiry, the option is settled according to the contract terms. Settlement can occur through physical delivery of the underlying asset or cash settlement, depending on the exchange and the specific contract specifications. Traders must know the settlement procedures to ensure a smooth and accurate process.

Examples of Weekly Options

Examples of popular weekly options traded on Indian exchanges, such as NSE, include:

NIFTY options

NIFTY is a benchmark index representing the performance of the top 50 stocks on the NSE. NIFTY weekly options offer traders the opportunity to speculate on the movement of the index weekly. These options provide flexibility and allow for precise risk management.


BANKNIFTY represents the performance of the top banking stocks on the NSE. Given the significance of the banking sector in the Indian economy, traders highly seek BANKNIFTY weekly options. These options offer exposure to the banking sector and can be utilised to implement various trading strategies.

Notable characteristics and trends observed in the trading of these weekly options include:

  • High liquidity

    These options have high trading volumes, providing ample liquidity for traders to enter and exit positions efficiently.

  • Increased volatility around events

    Such options on these indices often experience heightened volatility during periods of economic announcements, earnings releases, or major market events. This presents opportunities for short-term traders looking to capitalise on price fluctuations.

  • Expanding strike price range

    Over time, exchanges have expanded the range of available strike prices for weekly options, allowing traders to choose from a wider range of potential price levels for their strategies.

Characteristics of Weekly Options

  • Short expiration period

    Weekly options have a much shorter lifespan than monthly options. They typically expire every week, allowing traders to take advantage of short-term market movements and capitalise on potential opportunities.

  • High time decay (theta)

    Due to their short expiration period, these options experience rapid time decay. This means that the value of these options can diminish quickly as the expiration date approaches. Traders must be mindful of this characteristic and factor it into their weekly options strategy.

  • Liquidity

    Weekly options, particularly those associated with popular indices like NIFTY and BANKNIFTY, tend to exhibit high liquidity. This liquidity gives traders enhanced flexibility to enter and exit positions at desired prices while trading options, minimising the impact of bid-ask spreads and ensuring efficient trade executions.

  • Lower premium compared to monthly options

    These options generally have lower premiums than their monthly counterparts. This can benefit traders looking to initiate positions with a smaller capital outlay. However, it is important to note that the lower premium also reflects the higher level of risk associated with these short-term options.

List of Weekly Options

Weekly options provide traders with various opportunities to implement their weekly options strategy.

  • Nifty50 options and BANKNIFTY options are part of the weekly options list.

  • Nifty50 options are derived from the Nifty50 index, representing the weighted average of 50 leading Indian companies listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE).

  • Nifty50 options have both monthly and weekly expiration dates. Monthly contracts expire on the last Thursday of the expiry month, while weekly contracts expire every Thursday.

  • In scenarios where the last Thursday is a trading holiday, contracts expire on the previous trading day.

  • The lot size for Nifty50 options is 50.

  • BANKNIFTY options are based on the Bank Nifty Index, comprising the 12 most liquid and large-cap banking sector stocks traded on the NSE.

  • Like Nifty50 options, BANKNIFTY options also have monthly and weekly expiration dates, with weekly contracts expiring every Thursday.

  • If the last Thursday is a trading holiday, BANKNIFTY contracts expire accordingly.

Advantages of Weekly Options

  • Enhanced flexibility

    These options allow traders to take advantage of short-term market movements and adjust their strategies more frequently than monthly options.

  • Potential for quick profits

    Due to their shorter time frames, they allow traders to capitalise on rapid price movements and generate quicker profits.

  • Precision in hedging

    Traders can use these options to hedge their existing positions more precisely, allowing for more effective risk management and protection against adverse market conditions.

  • Lower capital requirements

    With shorter time frames, these options typically have lower premiums than longer-term options. This can be advantageous for traders with limited capital, allowing them to participate in the options market with reduced upfront costs.

  • Diverse trading opportunities

    Weekly options offer a wide range of trading opportunities across various underlying assets, allowing traders to explore different markets and diversify their portfolios.

Disadvantages of Weekly Options

While weekly options can provide traders with enhanced flexibility and potential for quick profits, it is important to consider the disadvantages associated with this strategy. These include:

  • Higher risk of loss

    These options are more susceptible to rapid time decay due to their shorter expiration periods. If the underlying asset does not move in the anticipated direction quickly enough, the option’s value can significantly decrease, leading to potential losses.

  • Need for close market monitoring

    Weekly options require constant vigilance and close monitoring of market conditions. Traders must stay updated on news, economic data, and other factors that can impact short-term market movements. Failure to do so can result in missed opportunities or hasty and potentially costly trading decisions.

  • The challenge of predicting short-term market movements accurately

    Short-term market movements can be unpredictable and volatile. Trying to accurately predict these movements within a weekly time frame can be challenging, even for experienced traders. This increases the risk of making incorrect trading decisions and incurring losses.


Weekly options give traders and investors unique opportunities to take advantage of short-term market movements. They offer flexibility, increased potential for profit, and the ability to manage risk more precisely. Proper research and strategy can make these options valuable to any portfolio.

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