What is a Currency Option? - Religare Broking

Understanding Currency Options: Trade in Forex Options

Currency options are a useful tool in the trading world. They help traders protect against the risk of changing currency values. At the same time, they offer a chance to profit from these changes. In this guild, we will give a detailed look at currency options.

What is a Currency Option?

A currency option is a special kind of agreement in the trading world. It is known as a derivativecontract. This contract allows the trader a choice, but not a duty, to buy or sell a set amount of foreign money. The buying or selling is done at a fixed rate, known beforehand.

This rate is called the strike price. The trade can happen within a set time. This way, traders have a way to manage the risk tied to changes in currency values. They also can profit if the values move in their favour.

There are two basic currency options – call options and put options. Each serves a distinct purpose. A call option is like a special ticket. The trader can buy the underlying currency at the agreed strike price. The trader would use a call option if the currency value increases.

On the other hand, a put option is another kind of ticket. It allows the trader to sell the underlying currency at the strike price. The trader would use a put option if the currency value decreases. Both options offer a safety net, helping traders manage risk while aiming for profit.

Trading of currency options doesn’t happen in a central place or exchange. Instead, it happens over-the-counter (OTC). This means the trading is done directly between two parties. It could be done on the phone or on electronic networks. This way of trading makes it flexible but requires a good understanding between the parties involved.

The most traded forex options involve major currency pairs. These pairs include EUR/USD (Euro/US Dollar), USD/JPY (US Dollar/Japanese Yen), and GBP/USD (British Pound/US Dollar).

These pairs are popular because they represent strong and stable economies. Traders often choose these pairs, hoping for less sudden swings and a better chance to read the market.

Types of Currency Options

Currency options come in various forms, each with distinct features and applications. Understanding these different types is crucial for traders navigating the currency markets effectively. Let’s look at the primary types of currency options and their unique characteristics.

Traditional Options

Traditional options are the most common type of currency option. They grant the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a specific amount of foreign currency at a predetermined rate, known as the strike price, within a specified period.

  • Call Option

    A call option gives the holder the right to buy the underlying currency at the strike price. Traders opt for call options when they anticipate a rise in the currency value.

  • Put Option

    Contrarily, a put option grants the holder the right to sell the underlying currency at the strike price. Traders go for put options when they foresee a drop in the currency value.

  • Exotic Options

    Exotic options are more complex than traditional options. They come with unique features that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the trader. Here are some of the exotic currency options:

  • Barrier Options

    These options become active or inactive when the market price hits a set level. They have named either knock-in or knock-out options based on their behaviour.

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  • Binary Options

    Binary options offer a fixed payout if the market price is above or below a certain level at expiration. The payout is the same, no matter how much the market price has moved.

  • Asian Options

    The payoff of an Asian option depends on the average market price over a set period rather than the market price at expiration. This makes them less volatile and often cheaper than traditional options.

Exotic options can be more challenging to understand but offer more flexibility and potential for higher returns.

Over-the-counter (OTC) and Exchange-Traded Options

Currency options can be traded in two main venues:

Over-The-Counter (OTC)

OTC options are traded directly between parties without going through a centralised exchange. This setup allows for more customisable terms but comes with higher counterparty risk.

Exchange-Traded Options

These options are traded on organised exchanges with standardised terms. They offer more transparency and lower counterparty risk compared to OTC options.

The choice between OTC and exchange-traded options depends on the trader’s preference for flexibility versus risk management.

How Does Currency Options Work?

Currency options involve a fundamental step: the payment of a premium. This transaction occurs between the option holder and the option seller. The holder secures the rights that the option contract confers by paying the premium. This premium is essentially the price for the opportunities and the protection the option contract provides.

As the contract marches towards its expiration, the holder’s gaze is fixed on the spot rate, which is the current market rate of the currency pair. The fate of a call option and a put option rests heavily on how the spot rate dances around the strike price, which is the predetermined rate set in the contract. The spot rate’s position decides the option’s intrinsic value when the music stops on the expiration date.

If the spot rate struts above the strike price in call options, the option basks in intrinsic value. The holder now has the golden ticket to buy the currency at the strike price, which is lower than the current market rate. This scenario potentially unfolds into a scene of profits.

On the flip side, a put option finds its moment of glory when the spot rate dips below the strike price. The holder now holds the right to sell the currency at the strike price, higher than the current market rate. This divergence between the strike price and the market rate is where the holder finds the profit potential.

However, If if the spot rate decides to stay below the strike price for a call or above the strike price for a put as the expiration date arrives, the option fades into oblivion with no intrinsic value. It expires worthless, and the curtain falls on the holder’s aspirations for profit from this contract.

The premium paid at the inception isn’t a random figure pulled out of thin air. It’s a calculated amount determined by several factors. These factors include the spot rate, the strike price, the volatility in the currency market, and the time remaining until the option’s expiry.

Each of these elements plays a crucial role in sculpting the premium amount, thus laying down the first brick in the tower of the forex option contract.

Benefits of Currency Options

Currency options offer several benefits, including –

  • Hedge Against Adverse Currency Movements

    Currency options help protect your money. When currencies move in ways that could cause losses, having an option can guard against big losses. It’s like having insurance against bad moves in currency values.

  • Limit Downside Risk While Allowing Upside Gains

    With currency options, the most you can lose is the cost of the option. But, if the currency moves in your favour, you can make more money. So, you can protect yourself from big losses while keeping the door open to make profits.

  • Flexibility – Right but not Obligation to Exercise

    Currency options give you a choice. You can buy or sell the currency at the agreed price if it benefits you. But if it doesn’t, you can let the option expire. This choice is good because it means you’re not forced to make a trade.

  • Versatility – Can be Tailored to Specific Objectives

    Currency options can be set up to meet your specific needs. Different options and contract terms let you create a plan that matches your goals. It’s a way to have a more personalised approach to trading currencies.

  • Leverage – Small Premium Payment Gives Exposure to Large Currency Moves

    By using a small amount of money, you can trade with a much bigger amount of currency. This is called leverage. It means you can potentially make more profit (or loss) without spending much money upfront.

Currency Option Features

Currency options come with several key features that make them a unique tool in the financial market:

  • OTC Contracts Between Two Parties

    Currency options are often traded over-the-counter (OTC). This means they are deals made directly between two parties without going through an exchange.

  • Customisable Contract Specifications

    The terms of currency options can be tailored. This means the buying and selling prices, the amount of currency, and the expiry date can be set to suit the needs of the traders.

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  • Ability to Trade Volatility Through Exotic Options

    Exotic options let traders bet on how much currency prices move, not just their direction. This is useful when currencies are moving extensively.

  • Short-term to Long-term Expiry

    Options can last for a short time, like a day, or for a long time, like a year. This means you can plan for both short and long-term moves.

How to Trade Currency Options?

Trading currency options requires a thoughtful approach. Here are some simple steps to guide you:

  • Decide Your Market Outlook and Objectives

    Know what you want to achieve. Are you protecting against risk (hedging) or betting on price moves (speculating).

  • Choose the Appropriate Option Type

    Pick the right option based on what you think will happen in the market. Decide whether you want a call (buy) or put (sell) option, and choose the expiry date and strike price.

  • Analyse Factors Affecting Premium Pricing

    Look at what affects the cost of the option. This includes how much prices are moving (volatility) and interest rates.

  • Monitor Intrinsic Value as Expiry Approaches

    Keep an eye on the option’s value as it gets closer to expiry. This helps you decide if and when to use the option.

  • Exercise Option if Profitable or Else Allow it to Expire Worthless

    If using the option will make money, go ahead. If not, it’s okay to let it expire without using it.

  • Manage Risks

    Use the right amount of money and risk management tools to keep your trading risks low. This helps protect your money while trading currency options.


Currency options offer traders a flexible hedging and speculating tool in the realm of online currency trading. With a solid understanding of how they work and prudent trading, currency options can be effectively used to manage currency risk and profit from currency fluctuations on online trading platforms.

Frequently Asked Questions

A currency put option grants the holder the right, but not the obligation, to sell a specified amount of a currency at a predetermined price before the option expires.

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