Short Call Option Strategy - Meaning, Benefits, Risks & Examples | Religare Broking

Short Call Option Strategy

The short call option strategy involves selling a call option on a stock the investor does not own, expecting the stock price to decrease. While it may seem risky, this strategy can be profitable for generating income and managing risk in your portfolio. Today, we will explore the short call option strategy in detail and discuss what investors need to know before incorporating it into their investment plans.

What is a Short Call Option?

A short call option is an options trading strategy that involves selling or “writing” a call option with the expectation that the underlying stock’s price will either decrease or stay below the strike price at expiration. When a trader sells a call option, they grant the buyer the right to purchase the underlying stock at a predetermined price (strike price) within a specified period.

In return, the trader receives a premium for selling the option. However, by selling the call option, the trader assumes certain obligations. If the stock price rises above the strike price, the trader may be obligated to sell the stock at the strike price, resulting in potential losses.

Further, since there is no limit to how high a stock’s price can rise, the potential risks associated with writing call options involve unlimited losses if the stock price surges significantly beyond the strike price.

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How Does a Short Call Work?

Step 1: Identifying the Right Asset

The initial step in this strategy involves selecting a stock, or another type of asset that you anticipate will not see a significant increase in price before the expiration of the option. This crucial decision should not be taken lightly. Still, it should instead result from comprehensive research and meticulous analysis of market trends and asset performance.

Step 2: Engaging in a Call Option Sale

Having pinpointed your preferred asset, the subsequent move is to sell a call option on this particular asset. This action signifies your agreement to sell the asset at a predetermined strike price if the call option’s purchaser opts to exercise their purchasing right. It’s important to underscore that this step results in you receiving a premium from the option buyer, which represents immediate income for you, regardless of the option’s eventual outcome.

Step 3: Monitoring Until Expiration

Post-sale, the ideal scenario unfolds with the asset’s market price remaining beneath the strike price up to the option’s expiration. During this waiting period, vigilance is key. The financial markets are known for their volatility, and unexpected price movements can occur. Regular monitoring will enable you to stay informed about any significant changes that might affect your position.

Step 4: Decision Making at Expiry

As the expiration date approaches, two primary outcomes are possible. If the asset’s price has not surpassed the strike price, the call option will likely expire without value, allowing you to retain the premium as profit without any obligation to purchase the asset. Conversely, if the asset’s market price escalates above the strike price, the option buyer may choose to exercise their option.

This scenario would necessitate you buying the asset at its current higher market price and selling it at the lower strike price to the option holder, which could lead to a financial shortfall.

Additionally Read: What is Option Trading?

Example of a Short Call

Suppose a trader sells a short call option on XYZ Company stock, trading at Rs. 100 per share. The trader sets a strike price of Rs. 110 and an expiration date of one month. At the time of the option sale, the market conditions indicate a stable stock price with no significant news or events expected in the near future.

If the stock price falls or remains stable below the strike price of Rs. 110 by the expiration date, the option will expire worthless, and the trader will keep the premium received as profit. In this scenario, the short call strategy is successful as the trader benefits from the time decay of the option premium.

However, the trader may face potential losses if the stock’s price increases above the strike price. If the stock price reaches Rs. 120 at expiration, the trader may be obligated to sell the stock at Rs. 110, resulting in a loss of Rs. 10 per share. This loss is in addition to the premium received initially.

When implementing a short call strategy, traders must carefully assess market conditions, conduct a thorough analysis of the underlying stock, and manage their risk exposure. By closely monitoring the stock’s price movements and employing risk management techniques such as stop-loss orders or hedging strategies, traders can navigate different scenarios and mitigate potential losses in a short call option transaction.

When to Execute a Short Call?

To execute a short call option strategy effectively, traders must consider several factors. Market volatility plays a crucial role as higher volatility increases the likelihood of large price movements, increasing the risk of the short call strategy. Traders should also consider upcoming events that might impact stock prices, such as earnings reports or regulatory announcements, as these can significantly affect the strategy’s success.

Additionally, understanding the general market sentiment is essential, as a bullish market may not be favourable for a short call option. Risk management practices are crucial to this strategy, such as setting stop-loss orders to limit potential losses and closely monitoring the position to adjust or exit if necessary.

It is also important to have a clear understanding of the meaning of demat account, as it facilitates the seamless and electronic holding of securities in your portfolio, ensuring efficient trading and investment management.


Thoroughly understand this strategy’s risks and potential outcomes before implementing it. The short call option strategy can be a valuable addition to your trading arsenal, allowing you to carefully consider market conditions and monitor your positions. Remember to always consult with a financial advisor and open a demat account before making any investment decisions.

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