Asset Under Management (AUM) - Importance & Calculations | Religare Broking

Understanding Asset Under Management (AUM) in Details

Asset Under Management serves as a fundamental metric within the financial industry, offering a snapshot of the total value of assets managed by an entity. This figure holds immense significance for investment firms, mutual funds, and other financial institutions, as it represents the scale and scope of their operations. Let us explore what AUM in mutual funds is and other related factors you should know about.

What is AUM?

AUM is a financial metric that quantifies the total market value of assets that a financial institution, such as an investment firm, brokerage, or mutual fund , manages on behalf of its clients or investors. It represents the aggregate value of all assets—such as stocks, bonds, cash, real estate, and other investments—under the purview and control of the entity.

The metric serves as a crucial indicator of the size, scope, and success of a financial institution. It reflects the total value of funds entrusted to the institution by clients seeking professional management of their investments. As such, this is a key performance metric and a measure of an institution’s market presence, competitiveness, and ability to attract and retain investor capital.

Fluctuations in assets under management can occur due to various factors, including changes in asset prices, investment performance, market movements, and inflows or outflows of investors’ capital. Increases are often driven by successful investment strategies or marketing efforts and can signify growth and success for the managing institution, while decreases may signal challenges or investor withdrawals.

AUM in mutual funds is a critical metric in the financial industry, influencing business strategies, revenue generation, and the overall perception of an institution’s success and stability.

Importance of AUM for Mutual Funds

AUM holds immense significance for mutual funds, serving as a pivotal metric that influences various aspects of their operations, success, and competitiveness within the financial market.

Firstly, it acts as a measure of a mutual fund’s size and scale. A higher asset under management generally indicates a larger fund, implying the trust and confidence investors have placed in the fund’s management. This perception of size often enhances the fund’s credibility and attractiveness to potential investors.

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Secondly, it plays a crucial role in revenue generation for mutual funds. Management fees are typically charged as a percentage of total AUM. Higher AUM in mutual funds

means a larger fee income, which contributes to the fund’s financial health and sustainability. Moreover, robust assets under management might enable funds to negotiate better fee structures or attract institutional investors, enhancing revenue streams.

Additionally, it affects the fund’s cost structure.  A larger asset under management allows funds to spread fixed costs over a broader base, potentially reducing expenses per investor. This efficiency can positively impact returns for investors and bolster the fund’s competitive edge.

The metric also influences a mutual fund’s market standing and perception. Funds with substantial AUM often garner attention and trust from investors and industry analysts, signalling stability, expertise, and success. High assets under management can attract more investors seeking reliable options for their investments.

However, while a larger AUM can bring benefits, it can also pose challenges. Managing substantial AUM requires effective investment strategies to deploy capital efficiently without compromising performance or liquidity.

In essence, AUM in mutual funds stands as a fundamental gauge of a mutual fund’s size, revenue potential, cost efficiency, market perception, and ultimately its ability to fulfil investor objectives. It remains a crucial factor in determining the success and competitiveness of mutual funds in the dynamic and competitive landscape of the financial markets.

Impact of High AUM on Mutual Funds

High AUM can significantly impact mutual funds, presenting both advantages and challenges that influence their operations, investment strategies, and overall performance.

Advantages of High AUM

1. Increased Revenue

Higher assets under management directly correlates to higher management fees earned by mutual funds. Fees are typically charged as a percentage of assets under management, so larger translates to greater fee income, bolstering the fund’s financial health.

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2. Economies of Scale

Managing larger AUM allows mutual funds to spread fixed costs over a broader asset base. This can potentially reduce the expenses per investor, improving efficiency and, in turn, enhancing returns for investors.

3. Enhanced Market Perception

Funds with substantial assets under management often attract attention and instil confidence among investors and industry observers. A high asset under management signifies stability, expertise, and success, potentially attracting more investors seeking reliable investment options.

4. Increased Liquidity

Higher assets under management can facilitate better liquidity management for mutual funds. It can provide flexibility in executing trades, potentially reducing market impact costs and enhancing the efficiency of portfolio management.

Challenges of High AUM

1. Diminished Flexibility in Investment

Managing a large pool of assets can limit a fund manager’s flexibility in deploying capital effectively. It might become challenging to find suitable investment opportunities without significantly impacting market prices, especially in less liquid markets.

2. Potential Impact on Performance

High AUM can sometimes hinder a fund’s ability to generate alpha (returns above the benchmark). Larger funds might find it difficult to manoeuvre and take advantage of market inefficiencies, potentially impacting their ability to outperform.

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3. Increased Regulatory Scrutiny

As AUM grows, regulatory oversight and compliance requirements also intensify. Funds with high assets under management are subject to increased scrutiny and may face stricter regulatory standards, leading to higher compliance costs.

4. Style Drift and Diversification Challenges

Managing a substantial asset under management may compel fund managers to deviate from their original investment strategy (style drift) or struggle to maintain adequate diversification, potentially compromising the fund’s performance.

5. Potential Impact on Fund Size

In some cases, extremely high assets under management can lead to diminishing returns or challenges in finding suitable investments that align with the fund’s strategy. This might prompt the fund to close to new investors or impose restrictions on inflows to maintain performance.

While a high asset under management offers benefits such as increased revenue, economies of scale, and enhanced market perception, it also presents challenges related to investment flexibility, performance, regulatory scrutiny, style drift, and fund size management. Achieving a balance between growing AUM in mutual funds and effectively managing investments remains crucial for mutual funds to sustain their competitiveness and fulfil investor expectations

Calculating AUM

Assets under management are calculated by summing the total market value of all assets managed by a financial entity, such as an investment firm, mutual fund, or hedge fund. To compute assets under management accurately, one needs to aggregate the value of various assets under the institution’s management, including stocks, bonds , cash, real estate holdings, and other investments.

The AUM formula is straightforward: AUM = Market value of all managed assets

For example, a mutual fund managing a portfolio that includes Rs 50 million in stocks, Rs 30 million in bonds, and Rs 20 million in cash would have an asset under management of Rs 100 million (Rs 50 million + Rs 30 million + Rs 20 million). Regularly updating and accurately valuing these assets is crucial for maintaining precise asset under management figures, as market fluctuations and changes in asset values directly impact the overall AUM  calculation.

AUM and Expense Ratio

Asset Under Management directly influences a mutual fund’s expense ratio. The expense ratio represents the percentage of a fund’s asset under management used to cover operating expenses. As AUM increases, the fixed costs associated with managing the fund are spread across a larger asset base. This often leads to economies of scale, potentially reducing the expense ratio. 

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Conversely, a lower AUM  might result in higher expenses as fixed costs are distributed among fewer assets. Thus, mutual funds with higher assets under management can benefit from lower expense ratios, making them relatively more cost-effective for investors and potentially enhancing overall returns compared to funds with smaller assets under management and higher expense ratios.

Difference Between AUM and NAV

Aspect Asset Under Management (AUM) Net Asset Value (NAV)

The total market value of assets managed by a fund or financial entity.

NAV is Price per share and it is based on the total value of a fund’s assets minus liabilities.


The sum of all assets managed by the institution or fund.

The total value of fund assets minus liabilities divided by outstanding shares.


Reflects the size and scale of  the fund.

Represents the per-share value of the fund; indicates the fund’s performance.


Measures the total value of assets overseen by an entity.

Determines the value per share for investors; impacts buying and selling decisions.


Asset Under Management remains a cornerstone metric, reflecting the scale and success of a mutual fund. Its influence on revenue, cost efficiency, market perception, and regulatory scrutiny is undeniable. While high AUM offers advantages, managing it effectively amidst challenges is crucial for sustained competitiveness and investor satisfaction in the dynamic financial landscape. Understanding asset under management meaning and its implications is vital for investors and institutions seeking optimal performance and growth.


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