What is Bond? - Meaning, Types & Benefits | Religare Broking

Understanding Bond: Types, and Advantages

In the Indian financial market, one instrument which has consistently radiated trust and stability is bond. But what exactly is a bond? Picture this: a dear friend borrows ₹10,000 from you and promises to repay it in a year, with an added ₹700 as a thank-you gesture. This arrangement, formalized on paper, essentially captures the essence of a bond.

With its diverse economy, India has several entities— the government wanting to enhance infrastructure or companies aiming for expansion—that need funds. Instead of always knocking on banks’ doors, they often turn to common individuals like you and me. By purchasing a bond, you essentially lend your money, and in return, you’re given a promise of periodic interest and the return of your principal amount after a set duration. Bonds aren’t just about finance or numbers but about trust, planning, and securing financial futures. Let’s dive deeper to understand more about bonds.

What is a Bond?

A bond is a financial instrument that represents a loan made by an investor to a borrower, typically a government or a corporation. When an investor purchases a bond, they are essentially lending their money to the issuer in exchange for periodic interest payments and the eventual return of the bond’s principal amount at maturity.

How does a Bond work?

A bond works as a loan between an investor and an issuer, typically a government or corporation. The investor purchases the bond, providing the issuer with capital. In return, the issuer promises to make periodic interest payments to the investor based on the bond’s fixed interest rate. Upon maturity, the investor receives the bond’s face value. Bond prices can fluctuate in the secondary market due to changes in interest rates and credit perception. Bonds offer investors a way to earn fixed income and diversify their investment portfolio while enabling issuers to raise funds for various needs.

Let’s imagine a scenario. You lend ₹1,00,000 to a close friend. As a token of appreciation, he offers you ₹7,500 yearly and assures you to repay the initial amount after a decade. This, at its core, is a bond in action.

Types of Bonds

Bonds might sound like a complex investment tool. Still, they are promises where a company borrows money from investors, offering to return it with some extra interest. Within the Indian landscape, there’s a wide spectrum of bonds catering to diverse needs.

  • Government Bonds: Considered the gold standard in safety. These are commitments by the central and state governments. With these bonds, you’re indirectly funding the nation’s projects. They’re popular amongst retirees and conservative Indian investors due to their stability and periodic returns.

  • Corporate Bonds: Large corporations occasionally need huge sums of money. Instead of borrowing from a bank, they might float bonds, promising to pay back with interest. It’s like lending money to established and reputed companies, hoping for a profitable return.

  • Municipal Bonds: Ever wondered how your city funds its local projects? Municipalities issue bonds to finance undertakings like building roads, parks, or sewage systems. A unique aspect for Indian investors is that the returns from these bonds are often tax-free.

  • Convertible Bonds: These bonds give investors a choice. Hold on to them and receive regular interest, or under specific conditions, convert them into shares of the issuing company. This dual nature offers the safety of a bond and the potential growth of stocks.

  • Zero-Coupon Bonds: Zero-coupon bonds are debt securities that do not pay periodic interest but are issued at a discount to their face value. They mature at face value, allowing investors to earn the difference between the purchase price and maturity value as their return.

Additionally Read: All About Bond Futures

Bond Examples

To understand bonds better, let’s consider a simple, real-world example in the Indian context:

Suppose the Indian Government issues a 10-year bond with a face value of Rs. 1,000 and an annual coupon rate of 7%. Here’s how it works:

  • Face Value: Rs. 1,000. You will receive this amount back when the bond matures in 10 years.

  • Coupon Payments: 7% of Rs. 1,000 is Rs. 70. You will receive this amount every year as interest. In 10 years, you will have received a total of Rs. 700 in interest payments.

  • Purchase Price: Let’s say you bought this bond for Rs. 950. This means you purchased it at a discount because the price is less than the face value.

  • Yield to Maturity (YTM): Based on the purchase price, coupon payments, and time to maturity, a financial calculator or advisor can help you calculate the YTM. In this case, it might be slightly higher than 7% because you bought the bond at a discount.

  • Redemption: After 10 years, you receive the face value of Rs. 1,000 back.

    Total Earnings: Over 10 years, you earned Rs. 700 in interest, and since you bought the bond for Rs. 950 and are now getting Rs. 1,000 back, you made an additional Rs. 50. That’s a total of Rs. 750 in earnings.

This example shows the potential for earning a steady income and the possibility of additional earnings if the bond is purchased at a discount. It’s scenarios like these that make bonds a compelling choice for many investors in India.

Invest in Bonds with Religare Broking

Experience the power of secure and rewarding bond investments with Religare Broking. With over 25 years of trust, we offer a seamless platform for you to diversify your portfolio. Enjoy a range of benefits, including expert research recommendations guiding you towards informed investment decisions.

Opening a demat account with us is not just easy; it’s free. This step ensures a smooth investment journey as you explore various bonds suited to your financial goals. Our platform provides a One-Stop Solution for all your investment needs, making investing in bonds hassle-free and convenient.

At Religare Broking, we understand that your investment preferences are unique. That’s why we empower you with the flexibility to select the plan of your choice. Whether you’re looking for short-term gains or long-term stability, our diverse range of bond offerings caters to every investor’s needs.

Additionally Read: What is Demat Account?

Why do Bonds Exist?

Bonds exist as financial instruments that enable governments and corporations to raise capital from investors. They provide a way to borrow funds for various purposes, such as funding projects, operations, or debt refinancing. Investors purchase bonds to earn fixed income through interest payments and to diversify their portfolios. Bonds serve as a crucial part of the global financial market, offering stability, income, and investment opportunities for both issuers and investors.

Who Issues Bonds?

Diving deeper into the world of Indian bonds, let’s see who’s behind these financial instruments:

  • Central and State Governments: Our governments, at various levels, have has developmental and welfare agendas. They need massive funds, and provide that avenue. Buying a government bond is like becoming a silent partner in India’s growth story.

  • Public Sector Units (PSUs): PSUs like Indian Oil or SAIL sometimes need funding beyond what the government provides. They issue bonds, leveraging their government backing and established market presence.

  • Private Corporations: The Ambanis, the Birlas, the Tatas – when these corporate houses have expansive visions, they might need public funding. By floating bonds, they combine public trust with their growth trajectories.

  • Municipalities: The local development, from water supply enhancements to waste management solutions, often relies on bonds. When you invest in municipal bonds, you’re shaping the future of your city.

  • Financial Institutions: Even institutions that handle money, like HDFC or SBI, might need more of it sometimes. Their bonds typically come with a reputation for stability and regular returns.

In India, it’s crucial to assess the creditworthiness of these bonds. This is where rating agencies like CRISIL rating play a pivotal role in evaluating and grading bonds, helping Indian investors make informed decisions.

Advantages of Bonds

  • Stable Income: Bonds are a reliable source of income. Their consistent interest payments, regardless of market fluctuations, make them attractive for retirees or those who seek a steady income without the unpredictability of other investments.

  • Capital Preservation: Bonds, especially those with high credit ratings, are a secure investment. While they may not offer the high returns of riskier assets, they offer a safety net. Your principal, barring a default, is returned to you at maturity.

  • Diversification: Every savvy investor knows the mantra – don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Bonds act as a balancing instrument in a portfolio. When the equity market is bearish, bonds can offset potential losses.

  • Tax Benefits: The Indian government sometimes issues tax-free bonds, which means the interest earned isn’t taxed, making it a lucrative investment for those in higher tax brackets.

  • Predictable Returns: Unlike the stock market ebbs and flows, a bond’s interest rate remains steady. This fixed interest rate provides clarity about returns, allowing for better financial planning.

Features of Bonds

  • Face Value:Often confused with market value, the face value remains constant. It’s the initial investment or the amount imprinted on the bond, which you’ll receive upon maturity.

  • Coupon Rate: Think of it as an interest rate. If a ₹1,00,000 bond has a 7% annual coupon rate, you’ll receive ₹7,000 annually until maturity.

  • Maturity Date:It’s like an expiry date. Once a bond reaches its maturity date, the issuer pays back the principal amount to the bondholder.

  • Yield:A measure of return that factors in the bond’s purchase price, coupon rate, and time to maturity. Yield fluctuates based on market conditions and is a true measure of a bond’s profitability.

  • Credit Rating:Before buying a bond, checking its credit rating is crucial. A high rating from agencies like CRISIL signifies a low chance of default, ensuring your investment is safer.

How Bonds Are Priced?

Bonds, often considered as ‘IOUs’, are financial instruments that allow investors to lend money to a borrower (such as the government or a company) in exchange for periodic interest payments and the return of principal at maturity. But how are these bonds priced?

In simplest terms, the price of a bond is the present value of its future cash flows, which includes periodic interest payments and the return on principal. The market price of a bond can be either at a premium (above face value), at a discount (below face value), or at par (equal to face value).

Bonds Interest Rates

Interest rates are central to the conversation when discussing bonds in India or anywhere else. The bond’s interest rate, or the Coupon Rate, is the amount of money that bond issuers promise to pay bondholders periodically. It is expressed as a percentage of the bond’s Face Value.

Let’s unravel this

  • Fixed and Floating Rates:Most bonds have fixed interest rates that remain constant over the bond’s life. However, some bonds have floating rates, which are reset periodically based on prevailing market rates.

  • Current Yield: It is calculated as the bond’s annual interest payment divided by its current market price. If an Rs. 1,000 bond pays Rs. 70 in interest annually and is currently priced at Rs. 950 in the market, its current yield is 7.37%.

  • Yield to Maturity (YTM):YTM is the total return anticipated on a bond if it is held until it matures. It is the most comprehensive measure of a bond’s return.

  • Market Interest Rates: When market interest rates rise, new bonds are issued with these higher rates, making existing bonds with lower rates less attractive. Consequently, the prices of existing bonds fall. The inverse is true when market rates fall.

In the Indian context, bond interest rates are heavily influenced by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) policies, inflation, and economic stability.

Things to Consider Before Investing in Bonds

Bonds are popular with many Indian investors due to their relative safety and steady returns. However, like all investments, they come with their nuances. Here’s what you should consider:

  • Interest Rate Risk: As market interest rates rise, bond prices fall. Consider the interest rate environment when you are planning to invest.

  • Credit Risk: Check the credit rating from agencies like CRISIL or ICRA. Higher ratings indicate a lower risk of default.

  • Liquidity Risk:Some bonds, like corporate ones, might be harder to sell quickly without affecting their price.

  • Taxation: Interest from bonds is typically taxed as income, but some government bonds in India offer tax-free interest.

  • Time Horizon: Align your investment with your financial goals. If you need the money in a few years, avoid buying bonds with longer maturities.

  • Diversification: Don’t put all your money in bonds. Having a mix of different assets can help reduce risk.

Additionally Read: What is Bond Yield?

Frequently Asked Questions

Imagine you lend ₹1,00,000 to the Indian government. In return, they promise to pay you a 7% interest every year and return the full ₹1,00,000 after 10 years. This lending arrangement, formalized with a certificate, is a bond. So, you earn interest annually and get your original amount back after the specified period.

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