Fundamental analysis allows investors to collect more information regarding the valuation of an asset. Stock investors use it to determine the financial position of the stock issuer. The effectiveness of stock is determined based on the company’s/issuer’s financial statements. P/E ratio, ROE, D/E ratio, P/B ratio, Cape ratio, and net profit margin are some essential metrics to perform fundamental research. Let us discuss the PEG ratio, which is one of the fundamental analysis metrics, in this blog.
You might be familiar with the P/E ratio (Price-to-Earnings Ratio) used for fundamental analysis. It is a popular metric that compares the current market price of stocks to a company’s earnings. It calculated the ratio between the current price of a share and earnings per share. Another fundamental analysis metric derived from the P/E ratio is also known as the Price/Earnings-to-Growth ratio. This metric evaluates the relationship between the P/E ratio and the projected growth rate for the company’s earnings. In short, you can say that it considers the stock’s growth potential, along with its P/E ratio.
Now that you understand what the PEG ratio is, let us get to the calculation part. You already know that calculating the P/E ratio is essential to determine the Price/Earnings-to-Growth ratio. When calculating the P/E ratio, you must use the trailing EPS ( Earnings Per Share ). It means that you will use the EPS for the past 12 or more months. It is crucial to note that the forward P/E ratio is not used in the calculation. Here’s the formula to calculate the trailing P/E ratio for a stock:
Trailing P/E Ratio = Current Price Per Share / Trailing EPS for the past 12 months
Once you have the P/E ratio, it is easy to calculate the Price/Earnings-to-Growth ratio using the following formula:
PEG Ratio = P/E Ratio / EPS Growth Rate
The above formula can also be expanded as follows:
PEG Ratio = (Current Price Per Share/Trailing EPS) / EPS Growth Rate
You can find the necessary information to calculate the ratio in the company’s financial statements. Public companies make their financial statements available for investors to perform fundamental analysis.
Now that you have understood the meaning of the PEG ratio, let us discuss its pros and cons. Here are some of its pros you must know:
The ratio offers a complete and holistic view of a company’s stock growth. Unlike the P/E ratio, it also considers the future growth potential of the stock. It combines the P/E ratio and growth potential to offer a complete picture to the investor. It allows investors to consider the stock’s growth potential and make informed decisions.
Undervalued stocks might not always be a poor choice. Some undervalued stocks might have great growth potential but have still not been discovered by investors. This ratio helps compare different companies and determine undervalued stocks. Since you consider the growth factor in this ratio, finding hidden gems or undervalued stocks with future potential is perfect.
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It can help decide the right investment horizon. Investors can choose a long-term horizon when a stock shows good growth potential. On the other hand, investors can exit their positions for stocks with low growth potential.
Investors can use this ratio to screen or filter stocks with good growth potential. Investors can quickly filter stocks that do not have future growth potential.
Here are some cons of the Price/Earnings-to-Growth ratio you must know:
You already know that this ratio relies on future growth projections. It can be risky at times because future projections are not always accurate.
The Price/Earnings-to-Growth ratio is perfect for comparing companies within the same industry sector. However, the same cannot be said for companies across different industries.
Some internal or company-specific factors/metrics are ignored during the calculation of this ratio. For instance, the company’s management efficiency, market share, and other factors are ignored.
The P/E ratio is divided by the EPS growth rate to determine the PEG ratio. This ratio allows you to interpret whether the stock is undervalued or overvalued. Let us say two companies, A and B, have a ratio of 1.5 and 0.90, respectively. It means company A is overvalued in the market, while B is undervalued. When the ratio is equal to 1, it means the stock is in equilibrium. However, when it is more than 1, it means investors are overestimating the value of the stock in the market. On the other hand, a ratio below 1 represents that the stock is undervalued in the market. A company might be better than others in terms of the P/E ratio. However, it might turn out overvalued when you calculate this ratio.
P/E Ratio | PEG Ratio |
It is a ratio between the current price of a share and EPS (Earnings Per Share). | It is a ratio between the P/E ratio and EPS growth rate per share. |
You must divide the current price of a share with EPS to calculate the P/E ratio. | You must divide the P/E ratio with the EPS growth rate per share to calculate the Price/Earnings-to-Growth ratio . |
A high P/E ratio determines the expectations of investors towards the stock. | A high PEG ratio denotes that investors overvalue the stock. |
The P/E ratio does not consider the growth factor per share. | The Price/Earnings-to-Growth ratio actively considers the growth factor. |
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Beginners in the stock market must be aware of the important fundamental analysis metrics. PEG ratio is an essential metric that determines the relationship between the P/E ratio and the earnings per share growth rate. You can evaluate the future growth potential of a stock with the help of this ratio. This can also help find whether the stock is undervalued or overvalued. Start considering this for investment decisions!