NIFTY Next 50 - Meaning, Types & Features | Religare Broking

Understanding NIFTY Next 50: In-Depth Analysis

The NIFTY Next 50 allows investors to invest in India’s rapidly growing mid-cap companies. This guide provides straightforward information on how these index funds work, their benefits, and why they are a good choice for those looking to invest in potential market leaders. It’s a practical resource for anyone interested in expanding their investment scope with a focus on the future stars of the Indian stock market.

What is NIFTY Next 50?

The NIFTY Next 50, also known as the Nifty Next 50 index, is a stock market index in India that represents the performance of the next 50 large-cap companies after the NIFTY 50. It consists of well-established and financially stable companies from various sectors, offering investors a diversified portfolio.

The NIFTY Next 50 index serves as a benchmark for assessing the performance of mid-cap companies in the Indian stock market . It holds great importance as it allows investors to invest in potential growth companies that may become future leaders in their respective industries.

Including these companies in the index signifies their prominence and market capitalisation, making it a reliable indicator of the overall market sentiment.

The NIFTY Next 50 stocks are also actively traded, providing ample liquidity for investors.

How is NIFTY Next 50 Calculated?

The NIFTY Next 50 index calculation follows a precise methodology to ensure accuracy and representativeness. To begin, a base period is established, serving as the index’s reference point. The base period is typically set at a specific date, such as January 1, 2000, with a base value of 1000.

The index is calculated using a free-float market capitalisation methodology. This means that the weightage of each stock in the index is based on its market capitalization, considering only the shares available for trading in the market. This method ensures that the index accurately reflects the overall market value of the constituent stocks.

The calculation process involves several steps –

Firstly, the market capitalisation of each company in the NIFTY Next 50 index is determined by multiplying the stock’s current market price by the number of shares available for trading. The market capitalisation of all the constituent stocks is then added together.

Next, the free-float factor is applied to adjust for shares not available for trading, such as those held by promoters or government entities. This factor is determined based on the percentage of shares available for trading in the market.

Once the adjusted market capitalisation of each stock is calculated, it is divided by the sum of the adjusted market capitalisation of all the stocks in the index. This gives the weightage of each stock in the NIFTY Next 50 index.

Finally, the index value is calculated by multiplying the base value (set during the base period) by the cumulative product of the stock weightages. This ensures that any changes in the market value of the constituent stocks are accurately reflected in the index.

Returns Of NIFTY Next 50

Nifty returns measure the performance of the index over a specific period. They provide insights into the profitability and growth potential of the stocks in the index. Here are some key points to understand Nifty returns:

  1. Historical Performance

    Nifty returns reflect the historical movement of the NIFTY Next 50 index. By analysing past returns, investors can assess the index’s track record and make informed decisions about future investments.

  2. Benchmark Comparison

    Nifty returns are a benchmark against which individual stock or portfolio performances can be measured. Investors can evaluate whether their investments outperform or underperform the broader market represented by the Nifty Next 50 index.

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  1. Total Returns

    Nifty returns include both price appreciation and dividend income. This comprehensive measure provides a holistic view of the overall returns generated by the index.

  2. Risk and Volatility

    Nifty returns also indicate the level of risk and volatility associated with investing in the Nifty Next 50 stocks. Higher returns may suggest higher potential rewards but can also be accompanied by increased market fluctuations.

Types of Nifty Next 50 Index Funds

Types of Nifty Next 50 Index Funds are crucial for new investors to understand to make informed investment decisions. Each type offers unique features and characteristics that cater to different investment objectives and risk appetites.

Here are the main types of Nifty Next 50 Index Funds:

  1. Direct Index Funds

    These funds replicate the Nifty Next 50 index by investing in the exact constituents of the index in the same proportion. They provide a straightforward, low-cost way to gain Nifty Next 50 stocks exposure.

  2. ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds)

    Nifty Next 50 ETFs are traded on stock exchanges like individual stocks. They offer the flexibility of buying and selling at market prices throughout trading. Exchange-Traded Funds are known for their low expense ratios and tax efficiency.

  3. Index Mutual Funds

    These funds aim to replicate the performance of the Nifty Next 50 index and are managed by professional fund managers. They are suitable for investors who prefer a hands-off approach as the fund manager handles the portfolio composition and rebalancing.

  4. Sector-based Index Funds

    Some index funds focus on specific sectors or industries within the Nifty Next 50 index, such as banking, technology, or healthcare. These funds allow investors to target specific sectors they believe will outperform the broader market.

Features of Nifty Next 50

Here are various important features of Nifty Next 50 that investors should know:

  1. Diversification

    Nifty Next 50 provides investors with a diversified portfolio of mid-cap stocks from various sectors. This diversification helps reduce the concentration risk associated with investing in individual stocks.

  2. Growth Potential

    The Nifty Next 50 index consists of companies that have shown strong growth potential and have the potential to become part of the Nifty 50 in the future. Investing in the index allows investors to benefit from the growth of these promising companies.

  3. Lower Volatility

    Compared to small-cap stocks , the mid-cap stocks included in the Nifty Next 50 index generally have lower volatility. This makes it a relatively less risky investment option for investors.

  4. Market Representation

    Nifty Next 50 represents a broad section of the Indian stock market, capturing the performance of mid-cap companies across various sectors. This makes it a reliable benchmark for investors to gauge the overall performance of mid-cap stocks.

  5. Liquidity

    The next 50 Nifty stocks are actively traded on the stock exchanges, ensuring high liquidity. This allows investors to buy and sell these stocks without impacting their market prices significantly.

Invest in Nifty Next 50 Index Funds

Investing in Nifty Next 50 index funds can offer several compelling reasons for investors.

  1. Diversified Portfolio

    Nifty Next 50 index funds offer exposure to a wide range of mid-cap stocks from various sectors, reducing the risk associated with individual stocks and capitalising on the growth potential of diverse companies.

  2. Growth Potential

    Companies in the Nifty Next 50 have shown strong growth potential and are likely to join the Nifty 50 in the future. Investing in these index funds gives access to the promising growth of these mid-cap companies.

  3. Cost-Effective Investment

    These index funds typically have lower expense ratios than actively managed funds, making them a more economical choice that can yield higher returns over the long term.

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  1. Liquidity

    Nifty Next 50 index funds provide high liquidity, allowing investors to buy or sell their investments easily.

  2. Passive Investment Approach

    These index funds require no active management or constant monitoring, ideal for investors who prefer a hands-off investment strategy.

Difference between Nifty 50 and Nifty Next 50

Below are the main differences:

  • Constituent Companies

    The Nifty 50 index consists of the top 50 companies listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE), representing various sectors and considered blue-chip stocks. On the other hand, the Nifty Next 50 index represents the next set of 50 companies after the Nifty 50, which are mid-cap stocks with potential for future growth.

  • Market Capitalisation

    The Nifty 50 companies typically have higher market capitalisation and are more established in the market. In contrast, the Nifty Next 50 companies have relatively lower market capitalisation. They may still be in the growth phase, offering investors exposure to emerging companies with higher growth potential.

  • Performance

    Historically, the Nifty 50 index has been associated with more stable returns and lower volatility due to the presence of established companies. On the other hand, the Nifty Next 50 index has the potential for higher returns but may also experience higher volatility as mid-cap stocks are known for their increased price swings.

  • Inclusion Criteria

    To be included in the Nifty 50 index, a company must meet criteria such as market capitalisation, liquidity, and financial performance. The Nifty Next 50 index consists of companies ranked between 51st and 100th in terms of market capitalization and meet the minimum eligibility criteria set by the exchange.

  • Investment Strategy

    Investors looking for a more stable and diversified portfolio may prefer investing in Nifty 50 index funds. On the other hand, those seeking higher growth potential and are comfortable with relatively higher risk may opt for Nifty Next 50 index funds.

Aspect Nifty 50 Nifty Next 50

Constituent Companies

Top 50 companies, blue-chip stocks across various sectors.

Next 50 companies after Nifty 50, mid-cap with growth potential.

Market Capitalisation

Higher market capitalisation, more established.

Lower market cap, potentially in the growth phase.


Stable returns, lower volatility.

Potential for higher returns, higher volatility.

Inclusion Criteria

Criteria include market cap, liquidity, and financial performance.

Ranked 51st-100th in market cap, meets minimum criteria.

Investment Strategy

Suitable for a stable, diversified portfolio.

For higher growth potential, tolerating higher risk.


The NIFTY Next 50 index offers investors a diverse and balanced portfolio of the top 50 companies beyond the NIFTY 50 index. With its strong performance and potential for future growth, it is worth considering for any investment strategy.

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