What is Index: Types, Purpose & Investing | Religare Broking

Meaning of Index in Stock Market

An index is more than just a number or percentage that frequently flashes on your
TV screens during market hours. It’s a crucial financial instrument, a barometer, providing an
overall snapshot of market performance.

For investors, both seasoned and beginners, understanding the role of an index is
essential for making informed decisions. Popular indices like Sensex and Nifty are often cited in
daily conversations, news reports, and investment analyses.

But what exactly is an index, and why is it so vital for anyone involved in the
stock market? Let’s explore.

What is Index Market?

In the stock market, an “index” refers to a statistical measure that represents
the performance of a group of selected stocks or securities. It is used to track the overall
performance of a specific segment of the market or the entire market itself.

Each index has its own method of calculation, usually either a price-weighted or a
market capitalisation-weighted method. The primary function of an index is to provide a benchmark
against which the performance of individual stocks, sectors, or even the entire market can be

For example, the S&P BSE Sensex is a market-capitalisation-weighted index
comprising 30 of the largest and most actively traded stocks on the Bombay Stock Exchange.

Similarly, the National Stock Exchange Nifty, or simply Nifty, includes 50
stocks and represents a broader section of the market than the Sensex. These indices give investors
an idea of the market’s overall direction, offering a snapshot of its health.

Indices are not just numbers but powerful tools for various purposes. They serve

  • Benchmarking Tools

    Investors often use indices as benchmarks to measure their own
    portfolio’s performance. If your individual stock portfolio outperforms the Sensex of or
    Nifty, you’re generally considered to be doing well.

  • Market Sentiment Indicators

    A rising index typically indicates bullish market sentiment, while a
    falling index suggests a bearish sentiment.

  • Investment Vehicles

    Indices also serve as the basis for various financial products like mutual
    funds and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). For instance, Iindex-based mutual funds aim to replicate the performance of a specific index.

  • Economic Indicators

    At a broader level, indices can indicate the health of an economy. A
    consistently rising stock index may suggest a booming economy, while a consistently falling
    index could indicate economic trouble.

  • Risk Assessment Tools

    By studying the volatility of an index, investors can assess market risk
    and make more informed decisions.

Types of Index

Based on Coverage

In the financial markets, indices come in various flavours, each serving different
objectives and offering unique insights into market segments. One primary way to categorise indices
is based on their coverage.

  1. Broad Market Indices

    These indices, such as the Nifty 50 or S&P BSE Sensex, offer a
    comprehensive market view. They include a broad range of stocks from multiple sectors,
    providing a holistic sense of market direction. For instance, the Nifty 50 comprises stocks
    from 12 different sectors, making it a true representative of market trends.

  2. Sectoral Indices

    These are more specialised and focus on specific industry sectors like
    IT, Pharmaceuticals, or FMCG. The Nifty IT Index, for example, consists of major IT
    companies and serves as a bellwether for the technology sector in India.

  3. Thematic Indices

    These indices are assembled based on particular investment themes or strategies. Examples include sustainability indices, which focus on companies with strong environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices, and dividend yield indices, which focus on companies with high dividend yields.

Based on the Weighting Method

Another critical way to distinguish indices is through the method used to weigh the constituent stocks.

  1. Price-Weighted Indices

    In these types of indices, the value of the index is determined by the price of the individual stocks. The ones with higher prices have a more significant impact on the index value.

  2. Market Capitalisation-Weighted Indices

    The stocks are weighted according to their market capitalisation. The larger a company’s market cap, the more significant its impact on the index value. Indices like the Nifty 50 and the S&P BSE Sensex are examples of market capitalisation-weighted indices.

  3. Equal Weighted Indices

    All stocks are assigned the same weight in these indices, irrespective of their market capitalisation or stock price. This approach offers a balanced view but is less common than the other two methods.

Understanding the type of index you are dealing with can significantly affect your investment strategy. It can influence your asset allocation, risk assessment, and understanding of market trends.

So, it is crucial to grasp the differences among various indices in terms of
coverage and weighting methods.

Formation of Index

Creating or forming an index is not as straightforward as simply randomly picking
a few companies. It’s a meticulous process that involves several considerations, primarily focusing
on two main methods of weightage: Market Capitalisation and Price Weightage.

Market Capitalisation Weightage

  1. Concept

    In this method, each stock in the index is weighted according to its
    market capitalisation. It is calculated by multiplying the stock’s current market price by
    its total number of outstanding shares.

  2. Formula

    The index value is calculated using the following formula:

Index Value=(Total Market Capitalisation of Companies in the IndexBase Market
Capitalisation)×Base Index ValueIndex Value=(Base Market CapitalisationTotal Market Capitalisation
of Companies in the Index​)×Base Index Value


This method gives more weight to companies with higher market capitalisation,
making the index a true reflection of market movements. If a large-cap stock experiences price
movements, it would significantly affect the index value. Most broad market indices like the Nifty
50 or S&P BSE Sensex employ this method.

Price Weightage:

  1. Concept

    In a price-weighted index, the value is calculated by taking the average
    of the current market prices of all the stocks in the index. Here, each stock gets equal
    representation, regardless of its size or volume of shares.

  2. Formula

    The index value is calculated using the following formula:

Index Value=Sum of Stock Prices/Number of StocksIndex Value=Number of StocksSum of
Stock Prices​


This method gives equal importance to all stocks, regardless of their market
capitalisation. However, it has a drawback: higher-priced stocks can unduly influence the index,
even if they have a smaller market cap. This type of index is less common but still used in some
cases. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is a well-known example of a price-weighted index.

Understanding the method used for index formation is crucial for investors. It not
only helps in making informed decisions but also in interpreting market trends and sentiments
accurately. Whether you are a retail investor or a financial institution, understanding these
methods provides valuable insights into market dynamics and helps construct a balanced portfolio.

Purpose of Index

The index serves multiple functions in the financial markets, acting as
more than just a passive indicator. In many ways, it is the heartbeat of a market, mirroring its
ebbs and flows.

Here are some of the essential purposes of an index:

  1. Benchmarking

    One of the primary uses of an index is to serve as a benchmark for
    investors. By comparing the performance of individual portfolios against a specific index,
    investors can gauge how well they are doing. You’re generally on the right track if your
    portfolio outperforms the Sensex of Nifty.

  2. Market Sentiment

    Indices provide a quick and efficient way to gauge market sentiment. A
    rising index typically indicates a bullish market, while a falling index points towards a
    bearish market.

  3. Investment Products

    Indices form the basis for various investment vehicles, including index
    funds and Exchange
    Traded Funds
    (ETFs). These products aim to replicate the index’s performance,
    providing a low-cost and efficient investment option.

  4. Economic Indicator:

    Indices often act as a reflection of the economic health of a country. A
    consistently high-performing index may suggest a robust economy. In contrast, a plummeting
    index could indicate economic downturns.

  5. Risk Assessment:

    Indices also serve as tools for risk assessment. Investors can make more
    informed decisions by analysing the volatility and other market parameters.

Index Investing

Index investing has gained immense popularity due to its simplicity,
cost-effectiveness, and potential for stable returns.

In index investing, you invest in a portfolio that mimics a particular index,
replicating its performance. You’re not trying to beat the market; instead, you aim to match the
market’s performance.

Here’s why index investing is advantageous:

  1. Low Costs

    Index investing typically has lower fees and expense ratios than actively
    managed funds. You’re not paying for a fund manager’s expertise, which reduces the cost.

  2. Diversification

    Since indices often consist of multiple stocks from various sectors,
    investing in an index naturally provides diversification, reducing the risk.

  3. Transparency

    Index funds are straightforward. You know exactly what you’re investing
    in, as the fund mimics a publicly available index.

  4. Consistency

    While actively managed funds may outperform the market occasionally, they
    rarely do so consistently over long periods. Index funds offer a more consistent


  1. Nifty 50 Index Fund

    This fund seeks to mirror the performance of the Nifty 50, providing
    exposure to the 50 largest and most liquid Indian companies.

  2. S&P BSE Sensex Index Fund

    This fund aims to replicate the S&P BSE Sensex, which consists of 30
    of the largest and most actively traded stocks on the Bombay Stock Exchange.

  3. Sectoral Index Funds

    These funds target sectors like IT, healthcare, and utilities. For
    instance, a Nifty IT Index Fund would invest in the top IT companies in India.

  4. Global Indices

    Some index funds aim to replicate global indices like the S&P 500,
    exposing investors to international markets.

Basics of Index-Linked Investment Products

Index-linked investment products are financial instruments that aim to replicate
the performance of a specific market index.

These products allow investors to invest in the broader market or specific sectors
without picking individual stocks.

Here’s a detailed look at the basics of index-linked investment products:

  1. Types:

    Index Funds and Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) are the most common
    index-linked investment products. Index Funds are mutual funds that mimic the portfolio of a
    specific index. On the other hand, ETFs are traded on stock exchanges and offer real-time
    pricing, unlike traditional mutual funds priced at the end of the trading day.

  2. Cost-Effectiveness

    These products are generally less expensive than actively managed funds.
    They have lower expense ratios and fewer transaction costs, making them more accessible for
    the average investor.

  3. Diversification

    Index-linked products usually comprise multiple stocks, offering a
    diversified investment option. This diversification can help mitigate risks associated with
    investing in individual stocks.

  4. Passive Management

    These products are passively managed, aiming to replicate the index’s
    performance rather than outperform it. This approach eliminates the need for active
    management, thereby reducing costs.

  5. Liquidity

    ETFs offer higher liquidity than index funds as they can be bought and
    sold on stock exchanges during trading hours at market prices.

  6. Tax Efficiency

    Due to their passive nature, index-linked products often have fewer
    capital gains distributions, making them more tax-efficient than actively managed funds.

Why is Monitoring Index Important?

Monitoring the index is not just a routine for day traders or financial analysts.
It’s a critical activity for anyone involved in the investment world.

Here are some compelling reasons why monitoring an index is important:

  1. Informed Decision Making

    Keeping an eye on the index helps you make informed decisions about
    buying, selling, or holding assets. It provides a quick market sentiment overview, helping
    you gauge whether it’s a bull or bear market.

  2. Benchmarking:

    Tracking an index lets you compare your portfolio’s performance against a
    standard measure. If your investments are consistently underperforming the index, it might
    be time to re-evaluate your strategy.

  3. Risk Assessment

    Indices often exhibit patterns and volatilities that can be studied for
    risk assessment. Understanding these patterns can help you adjust your investment strategy
    to mitigate potential losses.

  4. Investment Planning

    Knowing the trends in indices can help in long-term investment planning.
    For example, suppose a particular sector is consistently outperforming the broader market.
    In that case, you might consider increasing your investment in that area.

  5. Global Perspective

    Many investors also track global indices to understand international
    market trends. This information can be particularly useful for those who have or are
    considering foreign investments.

  6. Economic Indicators

    Indices are often considered as economic indicators. A consistently
    rising index may indicate a booming economy, while a falling index could signify economic

  7. Asset Allocation

    Monitoring indices can also guide you in asset allocation. For instance,
    you might want to shift more into growth stocks or other asset classes like bonds during a
    bear market.

  8. Real-time Updates

    With modern technology, you can monitor indices in real-time, giving you
    the ability to make immediate investment decisions based on current market conditions.

What Are Some Major Stock Indexes in the World?

The world of finance is filled with various stock indexes that act as barometers
for different markets, sectors, and investment themes.

Here are some major stock indexes that are often cited:

  1. S&P 500

    Based in the United States, this index includes 500 of the largest
    companies listed on stock exchanges in the United States. It is one of the most commonly
    followed equity indices. It is considered to be the best indicator of the U.S. stock market.

  2. Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)

    Another U.S.-based index, the DJIA comprises 30 large publicly-owned
    companies in the United States. It is one of the oldest and most-watched indices globally.

  3. Nasdaq Composite

    This index includes all the companies listed on the Nasdaq stock
    exchange. While heavy on technology stocks, it includes companies from other sectors.

  4. Nikkei 225

    Representing the Japanese stock market, this index includes the top 225
    companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

  5. FTSE 100

    Known as the “Footsie,” this index represents the 100 largest companies
    listed on the London Stock Exchange.

  6. DAX

    This index includes the 30 major German companies trading on the
    Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

  7. S&P BSE Sensex

    An index of 30 companies listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange, the Sensex
    is often considered the pulse of the Indian stock market.

  8. Nifty 50

    Another key index in India, the Nifty includes the top 50 companies
    listed on the National Stock Exchange.

  9. Shanghai Composite:

    This index includes all the A and B shares listed on the Shanghai Stock
    Exchange, providing a comprehensive view of the Chinese stock market.

  10. CAC 40

    This French index includes the largest 40 companies listed in France.

Some Important Terms Related to Index

When discussing indexes, several key terms come into play. Understanding these can
enhance your grasp of how indexes function and their role in investment:

  1. Bond Index

    Unlike a stock index, a bond index tracks the performance of a particular
    set or category of bonds. Examples include the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index.

  2. Index Fund

    This type of mutual fund is designed to replicate a specific index’s
    performance. It offers a passive investment strategy, usually with lower fees than actively
    managed funds.

  3. Index Numbers

    These are statistical measures representing the relative change in a
    particular variable, such as price or quantity, over time. They are often used in economic

  4. Market-Capitalisation Weighted Index

    Each stock is weighted based on its market capitalisation in this type of
    index. The larger the company, the more significant its impact on the index.

  5. Price-Weighted Index

    Each stock’s price determines its weight in the index. Stocks with higher
    prices have a more significant influence on the index value.

  6. Equal-Weighted Index

    All constituent stocks are given equal weight, irrespective of their
    market capitalisation or stock price.

  7. Volatility Index

    Often called the “fear gauge,” this index measures market risk and
    investor sentiment. The VIX is a popular example.

  8. Composite Index

    This index includes multiple asset classes, such as stocks and bonds, to
    provide a more comprehensive view of market performance.

  9. Sector Index

    This index focuses on a specific industry or sector, like technology or
    healthcare, and includes companies operating in that sector.

Frequently Asked Questions

An index is a statistical measure that represents the performance of a group of stocks or assets. It serves as a benchmark to evaluate individual investments and market trends.

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