Understanding Equity Markets - Meaning & Types | Religare Broking

What is an Equity Market?

The equity market stands tall as a pivotal avenue within the financial realm. A cornerstone of the global economy, it represents a platform where investors trade ownership in companies, reflecting the pulse of economic health and corporate performance. Understanding the meaning of an equity market and its dynamics is fundamental for investors seeking to engage in wealth creation through stock ownership.

Understanding the Meaning of Equity Market

The equity market is a vital component of the financial landscape where stocks or shares of publicly traded companies are bought and sold. Also known as the stock market , it facilitates the exchange of ownership in businesses, enabling investors to purchase a stake in a company’s ownership.

This market serves as a barometer of economic health, reflecting the performance and prospects of businesses across various sectors. It provides a platform for companies to raise capital by issuing shares to investors in exchange for funds necessary for growth and expansion.

Investors participate in the

equity market to buy and sell shares with the expectation of capital appreciation or dividends. The fluctuations in stock prices within this market are influenced by numerous factors, including company performance, market sentiment, economic conditions, and geopolitical events. Understanding the nuances of the equity market is crucial for investors navigating the complexities of stock ownership and wealth creation.

Types of Equity Markets

Equity market in India comprise various types based on the nature of the securities traded and the platforms where trading occurs:

1. Primary Market

This market involves the issuance of new securities by companies to raise capital. Investors purchase shares directly from the issuing entity, thereby providing funds for business expansion or other purposes.

2. Secondary Market

Here, existing securities are bought and sold among investors. Stock exchanges or over-the-counter (OTC) markets facilitate this trading after the initial issuance in the primary market. The secondary market allows investors to trade previously issued shares, determining their prices based on supply and demand.

3. Public Equity Market

Also known as the stock market, it involves publicly traded companies whose shares are available for purchase by the general public. Examples include major stock exchanges like the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).

4. Private Equity Market

This market involves the buying and selling of shares in private companies that are not publicly traded. Investors in private equity include institutional investors, venture capitalists, or high-net-worth individuals seeking ownership stakes in non-public companies.

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5. Over-the-Counter (OTC) Market

This decentralised market facilitates trading in securities directly between parties, often involving stocks not listed on formal exchanges. OTC markets offer greater flexibility but may involve higher risks due to limited regulation and transparency.

These diverse equity market types cater to various investor preferences and company requirements, providing avenues for investment and capital raising in different sectors and stages of a company’s growth.

How Do Equity Markets Work?

Equity markets serve as platforms where stocks, representing ownership in companies, are bought and sold. Investors trade these stocks, aiming to benefit from price movements or dividends. When a company goes public, it issues shares via an initial public offering (IPO) in the primary market.

In the secondary market, these stocks are traded among investors via stock exchanges or OTC markets. The stock prices fluctuate based on supply and demand, influenced by various factors like company performance, economic conditions, and investor sentiment.

Investors analyse company fundamentals and market trends to make informed decisions. The equity market in India

acts as a mechanism for companies to raise capital and for investors to participate in ownership and potentially profit from the success of these companies.

How is the Equity Market In India?

The equity market in India, represented by major stock exchanges like the National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), plays a pivotal role in the country’s financial landscape. It offers a diverse range of investment opportunities to traders and investors.

With extensive participation from domestic and international investors, the Indian equity market reflects the performance of various sectors and companies in the economy. Regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), it showcases robustness, volatility, and growth potential, making it an integral part of India’s economic development and investment landscape.

Timings of Equity Market

The equity market in India operates within specific trading hours regulated by stock exchanges and market regulators. The regular trading hours for the Indian equity market are from Monday to Friday, except on market holidays.

The pre-opening session commences at 9:00 AM and lasts for 15 minutes, allowing market participants to place orders. The regular market timing for trading begins at 9:15 AM and continues until 3:30 PM. After the regular session, there is a post-closing session from 3:40 PM to 4:00 PM, which permits additional time for traders to modify or cancel orders and facilitates the calculation of closing prices.

These timings are subject to change due to various factors such as special trading sessions, market holidays, or regulatory directives. It’s essential for investors and traders to stay updated with official announcements from stock exchanges or regulatory authorities regarding any alterations to the trading schedule.

Process Involved in the Equity Market

Participating in the equity market involves several procedures, ranging from opening a trading account to executing trades. Here are the fundamental steps involved:

  1. Select a Broker

    The first step is to choose a brokerage firm or stockbroker registered with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). Brokers facilitate transactions and provide access to the stock market.

  2. Opening a Trading and Demat Account

    To trade in equities, investors need to open a trading account with the chosen brokerage firm. Simultaneously, they must open Demat account, which securely holds shares in an electronic format.

  3. KYC Process

    Investors need to complete the Know Your Customer (KYC) process by submitting identification and address proofs, PAN card details, and other required documents.

  4. Funding the Account

    Investors fund their trading account to initiate buying or selling shares. This can be done through online transfers, cheques, or other accepted modes of payment.

  5. Research and Analysis

    Before investing, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research and analysis. Investors should analyse companies, study market trends, review financial reports, and possibly seek expert advice.

  6. Placing Orders

    Once ready to invest, investors can place orders through their trading accounts. They can choose various order types such as market orders, limit orders, stop-loss orders, etc.

  7. Execution of Trades

    Orders placed in the trading account get executed on the stock exchange. For buy orders, the investor’s account gets debited, and for sell orders, shares get debited from the Demat account .

  8. Portfolio Monitoring

    After purchasing shares, investors should regularly monitor their portfolio’s performance. This involves tracking stock prices, evaluating company news and updates, and reviewing overall market conditions.

  9. Dividend and Corporate Actions

    Investors receive dividends and participate in corporate actions such as bonus issues, stock splits, rights issues, etc., based on their shareholding in companies.

  10. Taxation and Compliance

    Investors must comply with tax regulations related to equity trading . Capital gains from equity trading are subject to taxation as per the prevailing tax laws.

These steps encompass the primary procedures involved in equity market participation. Investors should continuously educate themselves about market dynamics, maintain a diversified portfolio, and stay updated on market trends to make informed investment decisions.

Factors to Consider Before Trading in Equity

Before engaging in equity trading, consider the following crucial factors:

  1. Risk Tolerance

    Assess your risk appetite and investment horizon. Equity markets are volatile, and fluctuations may impact short-term investments differently than long-term ones.

  2. Financial Goals

    Define clear investment objectives. Determine whether you aim for capital appreciation, regular income, wealth preservation, or a mix of these goals.

  3. Market Research

    Conduct thorough research on companies, sectors, and the overall market. Analyse financial statements, market trends, company fundamentals, and industry news to make informed decisions.

  4. Diversification

    Spread investments across various stocks and sectors. Diversification reduces the impact of any single stock’s performance on your portfolio.

  5. Costs and Fees

    Understand brokerage charges, transaction costs, taxes, and other fees associated with equity trading. High fees can significantly impact overall returns.

  6. Liquidity

    Consider the liquidity of stocks before investing. Highly liquid stocks ensure smoother transactions and reduced price volatility.

  7. Market Conditions

    Assess prevailing market conditions, economic indicators, and geopolitical factors. These factors influence stock prices and market movements.

  8. Investment Strategy

    Determine your trading style – whether you prefer short-term trading (speculation) or long-term investing (fundamentals). Choose strategies aligned with your goals and risk tolerance.

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Difference Between Stock and Equity

Aspect Stock Equity

Represents ownership in a company.

Denotes the residual interest in assets after deducting liabilities.


Refers to shares issued by a company, providing ownership and voting rights.

Encompasses ownership or shares in a company, including common shares, preferred shares, and retained earnings.


Commonly used synonymously with shares.

Comprises various elements of ownership interest and capital investment.


Generally refers to a single share or shares collectively.

Represents a broader concept, including various financial instruments and forms of ownership.


Specific to ownership units offered to the public or held by individuals.

Represents a broader concept of ownership in a business, inclusive of various financial instruments and stakeholders’ interests.


Typically used in the context of individual units or units collectively traded in the market.

Used to describe the value attributed to an owner’s interest in a company’s assets.


The world of equity markets, with its diverse types and intricate dynamics, serves as a fundamental platform for investors. Understanding equity’s essence and market intricacies empowers investors to navigate wealth creation through informed decisions. These insights, pivotal for strategic investing, unveil opportunities in the dynamic landscape of stock ownership.

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