Buyback of Shares - Meaning & Advantages | Religare Broking

Understanding Buyback of Shares: A Comprehensive Guide for Investors

Buyback of shares is a financial strategy companies use to purchase their outstanding shares from the stock market. This move can impact the company’s stock price and value to shareholders.

What is Buyback of Shares?

Buyback of shares is a financial strategy that companies employ to invest in themselves by purchasing their own shares from the marketplace. 

This process allows companies to return money to their shareholders, typically under conditions where they believe the shares are undervalued.

The core concept of a buyback of shares revolves around the basic principle of supply and demand. When a company buys back its shares, it reduces the number of shares available in the open market.

With fewer shares available for trading, the relative ownership stake of each investor increases, potentially making each share more valuable.

Mechanics of Share Buybacks


The process begins with the company’s board of directors authorising a specific share buyback plan. This plan outlines the number of shares to be bought back and the timeframe for the buyback.

Method of Buyback

Companies can choose various methods to execute the buyback. The most common approach is buying shares on the open market at the current market price. Another method includes tender offers, where the company offers to purchase shares at a premium to the current market price.

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Funding the Buyback

The buyback is typically funded using the company’s available cash reserves. Alternatively, a company might finance the buyback by taking debt, especially if the interest rates are low.

Monitoring Upcoming Buyback of Shares

For investors, tracking the upcoming buyback of shares can be an important part of investment strategy. Companies usually announce buyback programs in their financial statements or through press releases. An upcoming buyback of shares can indicate a company’s strong financial health and potentially increase share prices, presenting an opportunity for investors.

Types of Buyback of Shares

Open Market Buybacks

The most common type of buyback is through the open market. Here, a company buys its shares just like an ordinary investor would

  • Process The company buys shares at prevailing market prices over a period.

  • Flexibility This method offers flexibility regarding how many shares to buy and when to purchase.

  • Market Impact Open market buybacks can signal confidence in the market but might not substantially impact the share price.

Tender Offer Buybacks

In a tender offer buyback, the company proposes to buy shares back from shareholders at a specific price, usually at a premium to the market rate

  • Direct Offer

    Shareholders are directly approached with an offer to sell their shares back to the company.

  • Premium Price

    The offer is often higher, making it attractive for shareholders.

  • Fixed Quantity

    The company sets a cap on how many shares it intends to buy.

Dutch Auction Buybacks

The Dutch auction is a more complex form of buyback. It involves the company setting a price range within which shareholders can tender their shares

  • Price Range

    Shareholders bid the price within the given range at which they are willing to sell their shares.

  • Shareholder Control

    It gives shareholders control over the price at which they are willing to sell.

  • Final Price Determination

    The final buyback price is set after reviewing all bids, which applies to all shares bought back under this method.

Fixed Price Buybacks

In fixed price buybacks, the company offers to buy a certain amount of shares at a fixed price

  • Set Price and Period The buyback offer is at a set price and is open for a specific period.

  • Shareholder Decision Shareholders can sell their shares at this fixed price within the offer period.

  • Risk of Oversubscription If more shares are tendered than the company wishes to buy, a proportionate number of shares are bought from each selling shareholder.

Accelerated Share Repurchase (ASR)

An accelerated share repurchase (ASR) is a method where the company buys its shares from an investment bank

  • Immediate Execution The company receives the shares immediately.

  • Future Settlement The bank borrows the shares (often from institutional investors) and sells them to the company, settling the total number of shares and final price later based on the average share price over the period.

Reasons Behind Share Buyback

Increase Shareholder Value

One of the primary reasons for a share buyback is to increase shareholder value

  • Reduced Supply By reducing the number of shares available in the market, each share’s value can potentially increase.

  • Positive Signal Buybacks often signal to the market that the company believes its shares are undervalued.

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Excess Cash

Companies with excess cash reserves might opt for a buyback

  • Return on Investment When alternative investment opportunities are not as attractive, or the company has more cash than it needs for operations, buybacks can effectively utilise this excess cash.

  • Shareholder Preference Some shareholders prefer buybacks over dividends to return cash.

Improve Financial Ratios

Buybacks can positively impact key financial metrics

  • Earnings Per Share (EPS) With fewer shares outstanding,

    Earnings Per Share

    can increase, even if the company’s earnings remain constant.

  • Return on Equity (ROE) A reduced equity base can lead to a higher ROE, making the company appear more efficient in generating profits.

Capital Gains vs. Dividend Income

Shareholders might prefer capital gains (which can occur due to increased share prices following a buyback) over dividend income due to favourable tax treatment.

Impact of Share Buyback

The impact of a share buyback is significant and multifaceted, affecting the company, its shareholders, and the market in various ways

Impact on Stock Price

  • Short-term Increase

    Buybacks often lead to a short-term rise in stock prices as the market reacts to the perceived value increase and demand-supply dynamics.

  • Long-term Effect

    The long-term impact on the stock price depends on the underlying reasons for the buyback and the company’s future performance.

Earnings Per Share (EPS)

With fewer shares outstanding, the EPS typically increases, making the company’s financials appear stronger.

Market Perception

  • Confidence Signal A buyback can be interpreted as the company’s management signalling confidence in the company’s future and the perceived undervaluation of the stock.

  • Risk of Misinterpretation However, if not well-timed or if perceived as a tool to manipulate stock prices, it can lead to negative market perception.

Capital Structure

  • Change in Debt-Equity Ratio Funding the buyback with debt can change the company’s

    debt-equity ratio

    , potentially increasing financial risk.

  • Impact on Liquidity The use of cash reserves for buybacks can impact the company’s liquidity and its ability to fund future projects or investments.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Buyback of shares


  • Increased Stock Price This can potentially increase the stock price in the short term.

  • Improved Financial Ratios Enhances key metrics like EPS and ROE.

  • Flexibility Offers a flexible way of returning value to shareholders compared to dividends.

  • Tax Efficiency Potentially more tax-efficient for shareholders in some jurisdictions.


  • Opportunity Cost Funds used for buybacks could be deployed elsewhere, like in growth opportunities or debt reduction.

  • Market Misinterpretation This can be misinterpreted as a lack of growth opportunities or an attempt to inflate stock prices artificially.

  • Impact on Capital Structure This can alter the company’s capital structure, increasing financial risk if funded through debt.

  • Short-term Focus This may encourage focusing on short-term stock price gains over long-term strategic investment.

How to Apply for Buyback of shares?

Applying for a share buyback involves a few key steps that shareholders must follow. The process begins when a company announces its intention to buy back shares, typically through official communications such as press releases or direct notifications to shareholders. 

This announcement will detail the specifics of the buyback, including the type of buyback, the number of shares the company intends to repurchase, the price range (if applicable), and the timeframe of the buyback program.

Shareholders interested in the buyback must indicate their willingness to sell a portion or all of their shares to the company. In the case of a tender offer, for instance, shareholders must decide how many shares they are willing to tender and at what price, within the range provided by the company. For open market buybacks, shareholders simply sell their shares in the open market during the buyback period.

The exact mechanism of applying for a buyback can vary. Some companies might require shareholders to fill out specific forms or submit requests through their brokers or investment platforms. In other cases, the process might be more automated, especially with online trading. Shareholders must closely follow the company’s instructions and be aware of any deadlines to ensure their participation in the buyback is successful.

Dividend Vs Buyback of shares

When comparing dividends and buyback of shares, it’s important to understand the fundamental differences and implications for both companies and investors. 

Dividends represent a direct distribution of profits to shareholders, typically in cash. They are a way for companies to return value to shareholders, and for many investors, they provide a regular income stream. The company’s board of directors decides the amount and frequency of dividend payments. They can be a sign of the company’s financial health and stability.

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On the other hand, share buybacks involve the company purchasing its shares back from the share market. The impact of a buyback is more indirect compared to dividends. By reducing the number of shares outstanding, buybacks can increase the value of the remaining shares and improve financial ratios like earnings per share (EPS).

While buybacks don’t provide immediate cash to shareholders as dividends do, they can potentially increase share value through a higher stock price and a larger percentage of ownership for each shareholder.

The choice between dividends and share buybacks often depends on the company’s financial strategy, tax considerations, and the preferences of its shareholder base. From a tax perspective, capital gains from an increased stock price due to buybacks may be taxed more favourably than dividend income in certain jurisdictions.

Aspect Dividend Share Buyback
Immediate Return Yes No

Impact on Shares

No reduction in the number

Reduces the number of shares

Tax Efficiency

Less tax-efficient

More tax-efficient

Signal to Market

Steady Income

Confidence in company value


Understanding the share buyback meaning is vital for investors evaluating a company’s financial decisions. Share buybacks indicate a company’s robust financial health and commitment to enhancing shareholder value.


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