Unit Investment Trusts - Meaning, Types & Advantages | Religare Broking

Understanding Unit Investment Trusts in India: A Comprehensive Guide

Unit Investment Trusts (UITs) represent a unique investment vehicle that allows individuals to participate in a professionally managed portfolio of securities. Unlike mutual fund investments or exchange-traded funds (ETFs), they have distinctive characteristics that make them stand out in investment options.

Today, we will delve into everything there is to know about Unit Investment Trusts – from their structure and operation to potential advantages and considerations for investors.

What is a Unit Investment Trust?

A Unit Investment Trust is a collective investment vehicle that pools funds from multiple investors to create a portfolio of securities. It functions in India as a trust and is governed by the Indian Trusts Act of 1882. They are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). They must comply with the regulations set forth by SEBI to protect investors.

Its basic concept is that it allows investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of securities without needing active management. Unlike mutual funds, which fund managers actively manage, they have a fixed portfolio of securities established at the time of creation. This fixed portfolio remains unchanged throughout the life of the trust.

UITs in India typically invest in various securities, including debt mutual funds and money market funds. The portfolio composition is determined based on the investment objective of the trust deed. The trust deed also outlines the duration of the UIT and the rights and responsibilities of the unit holders and the trustee.

How Does it Work?

Unit Investment Trusts (UITs) operate in the Indian market as a popular investment vehicle for individuals and institutions seeking exposure to a diversified portfolio of securities with a fixed composition.

The investment process begins with establishing the trust, which adheres to the regulations of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). They invest in securities, including debt mutual funds and money market funds, based on the specified investment objective outlined in the trust’s documentation.

The selection and management of assets in UITs differ from actively managed mutual funds. In UITs, the portfolio of securities is established at the time of creation and remains unchanged throughout the trust’s lifespan. This passive approach provides investors with stability and transparency in their investments.

Trustees play a vital role in ensuring that the trust operates within the guidelines and protects the interests of investors. They oversee the trust’s activities and collaborate with the day-to-day operations managers.

The managers monitor the portfolio, make necessary adjustments to align with the investment objective and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Together, trustees and managers play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of these investment vehicles in the Indian market.


Several types of UITs are available, each with its specific characteristics and investment focus.

  1. Equity: These trusts invest primarily in stocks and equity-related instruments. They are suitable for investors seeking long-term growth potential.

  2. Debt: These trusts focus on fixed-income securities such as government, corporate, and debentures. Investors looking for stable income and capital preservation may find this type suitable.

  3. Balanced: These trusts aim to balance equity and debt investments. They are suitable for investors seeking capital growth and income generation.

  4. Sector-specific UITs: These trusts specialise in specific sectors or industries, allowing investors to target their investments accordingly.

  5. Index: These trusts track a specific market index, such as the Nifty 50 or BSE Sensex. They offer investors broad market exposure and can be a cost-effective way to diversify their portfolios.


Features of investment trusts play a crucial role in shaping investors’ decisions and outcomes. One key feature is the fixed term, where these trusts typically have a predetermined maturity date.

This provides investors with a clear timeline for their investment and helps them plan accordingly. Another essential feature is diversification, as these trusts pool funds from multiple investors and invest in various securities. This diversification spreads the investment risk and potentially enhances returns.

Besides, they often offer liquidity options, allowing investors to buy or sell units before maturity, providing flexibility and access to their investment. These features impact investors by offering them a structured investment approach with a predetermined timeline, reduced risk through diversification, and the potential for liquidity when needed.

Understanding these features is crucial as investors assess their risk tolerance, investment goals, and the suitability of these trusts compared to other investment options like mutual funds, debt mutual funds, or money market funds.


Investment trusts offer several advantages that make them appealing to certain investors. One of the key benefits is portfolio diversification. These trusts typically invest in securities such as stocks, bonds, and other investment instruments. This diversification helps spread the investment risk, as losses in one area may be offset by gains in another.

Another advantage of these trusts is professional management. They are managed by experienced professionals with in-depth knowledge and expertise in selecting and managing investments. These managers actively monitor the portfolio’s performance and make necessary adjustments to optimise returns.

This professional management provides investors with peace of mind, knowing that professionals with a deep understanding of the market handle their investments.

Furthermore, these trusts offer reduced risks compared to individual stock or bond investments. As their investments are diversified, the impact of any single investment’s poor performance is minimised.

This reduced risk can be especially attractive to conservative investors who prioritise capital preservation and seek a relatively stable investment option.


One of the drawbacks is limited flexibility. Unlike mutual funds, which allow investors to buy and sell shares daily, trusts have a fixed portfolio that remains unchanged throughout the life of the trust. This lack of flexibility can disadvantage investors who prefer more control over their investments or may need to access their funds quickly.

Fees are another factor to consider when investing in trusts. While fees vary depending on the trust, they often have higher expense ratios than other investment options like exchange-traded funds (ETFs) or index funds. These fees can eat into potential returns and reduce the overall profitability of the investment.

Additionally, trusts are exposed to market risks. The value of the underlying securities in the trust can fluctuate, and these fluctuations can impact the value of an investor’s shares. Market volatility or downturns can lead to potential losses or reduced gains. Investors must know these risks and consider their risk tolerance and investment goals before investing in trusts.

Considering these potential drawbacks, it is important for investors to carefully evaluate trusts in comparison to other investment options such as mutual funds, debt mutual funds, or money market funds.

UITs vs Mutual Funds

When choosing an investment vehicle, understanding the differences between Unit Investment Trusts and Mutual Funds is crucial. While both offer unique advantages, they cater to different investor needs and preferences.

Criteria Unit Investment Trusts Mutual Funds
Management Style Fixed portfolio, less active management Active management, frequently adjusted portfolio
Investment Objective Targeted investment strategy, often fixed term Diverse objectives, including growth, income, balanced
Liquidity Generally lower liquidity due to fixed term Higher liquidity, units can be bought/sold daily
Risk Factors Varies by underlying assets, generally lower due to fixed portfolio Depends on fund type, can be higher due to active management
Cost Structure Typically lower fees than mutual funds Management and operational fees, potentially higher
Investment Tenure Fixed tenure, often short to medium-term Flexible, no fixed maturity date


Unit investment trusts offer a unique investment opportunity for those looking for a set portfolio with a fixed term. With their transparent structure and potential for higher returns, UITs can be valuable to any investment portfolio.

Consulting with a financial advisor is important to determine if unit investment trusts fit your financial goals and risk tolerance.

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